Edward Armitage - some letters to THE TIMES

If you have others he wrote to THE TIMES not shown here please contact the website editor
last updated 10 Jun 2010

The Times 19th May 1967

Mr. E. Armitage, Headmaster Soham Grammar School.
Sir. - Whenever cases come to light of the gross misuse of corporal punishment in schools, the cry goes up for its total abolishment. In 30 years of teaching, 20 as headmaster, I have found my colleagues tolerant, understanding, humane and lenient in their handling of boys with never a complaint from a boy or a parent. I am sure that is the experience of most teachers. But in most schools there are a few boys who abuse tolerance and for whom a caning seems to be the most appropriate form of summary punishment.
In my school five cases of caning are on record this year. The offenders were all 13-15 years and the offences were swearing or smoking on the school bus, pulling a chair away from another boy about to sit down and disturbing morning assembly.
Would those who advocate the total abolition of corporal punishment kindly state what alternative punishment they would advise a busy headmaster to give to these boys, none of whom was a first offender?

Yours faithfully,
E. Armitage, Headmaster.
The Grammar School, Soham, Cambs., May 16.

source: http://www.sohamroots.co.uk/genealogy/ancestorsnews.html

both 1969: source Mrs May Armitage

July/Aug 1977 source: Mrs May Armitage

January 28 1985

He received a letter postmarked Rochdale & Ashton Under Lyme dated 6 Feb 1985 from 'Bernard'. Enclosed was a £1 note:

"Well done Edward, my boy! Here is something to show my delight in your success (it may also help cover postage on unsuccessful shots!)
Your affectionate uncle

Also enclosed was a 17p stamp "An afterthought having seen today's Times."

source: Mrs May Armitage


appeared 18 June 1996
source: Haslam

"his final letter", Dec 28 1997
left: May 18 1992

source: Mrs May Armitage