Soham Grammarians - Mr BJ Bartholomew (St Luke's, Exeter) PE & Games 1966-70

Soham Grammarian Summer 1966

New members of the staff so far appointed for September are Mr BJ Bartholomew, who takes over the gymnasium from Mr Ellis; Mr BG Hollamby, who comes from Wandsworth Comprehensive School to teach Biology; Mr DH Riley, from Saint Ivo School, who will teach English and Music; and Mr CJ Wain who will teach Mathematics. We wish them happy teaching at Soham. Mrs Armitage, who gave valuable assistance during Mr Taylor's absence, will transfer to the Languages department.

8 Jan 2008: Barry Bartholomew writes:

I was i/c PE and Games 9/66-12/70. I remember this period in particular for a number of reasons. Firstly for the support given by so many staff, secondly for the determination and enthusiasm shown by those taking part in school activities (not only sporting) and thirdly the size of the catchment area and so many minibus journeys, which I have always believed contributed to a rounded education.

from the 1970 School photo

When I left in Dec 1970 I went on secondment to the then Polytechnic of North London to study for a Diploma in Management Studies (Recreation Management), which led to me working in Leicester and in Congleton, Cheshire 1975-1996 , when I took early retirement at 54! For most of the time in Cheshire I was involved in all aspects of leisure management and on one occasion I met Vaughan Moll (OSG) who was also in the same field.

My departure from Soham was not an end to my involvement in education and I was heavily involved in vocational and professional education for the leisure industry at a national level from the early eighties until shortly after my retirement.

29 Nov 2007: John Abbott writes: I also remember, when Barry Bartholomew left and several of us were looking after sports, some of us running the old cross-country course across the railway line and up to the Wicken Road - just to show we could, but I only did it once!

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last updated 8 Jan 2008