Soham Grammarians - Mr RH Brown 1946-48

Soham Grammarian Summer 1946

We welcome two new members of the Staff this term - Mr RH Brown OBE B.Sc, who has been a Squadron Leader in the RAF, and Mr IR Bell BA, who served as a Captain in the Intelligence.

Soham Grammarian Spring 1948

We also have to bid farewell to Mr RH Brown who came to us in the Summer Term of 1946.

He has done equally invaluable work in the Science subjects and also in Cricket, Soccer and Swimming. Not least, we are grateful to him for his excellent photographs. We would like to wish him and Mrs Brown every success and happiness in Durban, South Africa.

Soham Grammarian Summer 1949

Mr RH Brown has been moved to a school at Broken Hill, Rhodesia, where by a curious coincidence Mr Unger happens to be Acting Headmaster. Mr Unger was studying teaching methods in our school last term and we hear that, in a recent inspection at Broken Hill, SGS curricula and timetables were copiously quoted from.

from the 1946 School photo

See also:
RAT for how, it is said, a decision about Mr Brown played a role in RAT's departure after joining SGS from wartime RAF service.

If you can add memories of Mr Brown or provide other photos of him, please contact the editor.
page last updated 1 Feb 2008