Soham Grammarians - Mr DA Clark BA (Lond) Biology 1961-66

Soham Grammarian Spring 1962

In September 1961 we welcomed to the Staff four new masters: Mr DA Clark (Biology), Mr PR Grover (English), Mr RJH Makin (Science) and Mr JG Speed (Geography). Already their presence has invigorated the life of the School, and we hope that their stay at Soham will be long and happy.

Soham Grammarian Spring 1964

As we go to press, the Cambridge Daily News is busy reporting Mr TL Riley's catch of an 18lb pike with a rat's tail in its mouth. Dissection, supervised by Mr DA Clark, revealed an undigested 10in long rat in its stomach. Some lost property!

Soham Grammarian Summer 1966

At the end of the Spring Term the School said a sad and affectionate farewell to Mr Clark, who retired because of ill health. His dedicated work as Head of Biology and the genuine interest he took in every one of his pupils will not soon be forgottten.

If you can add memories of Mr Clark provide photos of him, please contact the editor.
page last updated 8 Nov 2007