Soham Grammarians - Mr RH Hanworth MA English 1967-68

Soham Grammarian Summer 1968

Mr Hanworth leaves for Bath after less than two years. It was he who took charge of the library, it was he who produced that brilliant production of "Antigone", the most professional and moving performance ever to grace the school stage. I say that in the sincere belief than no School production could possibly rival it. There are few people to equal Mr Hanworth as teacher or man. In years to come the odour of his tobacco will linger in the corridors where still his laughter echoes. He brought a mark of culture to the School which can never be erased.

JR Harding

See also:
Antigone 1968 directed

Soham Grammarian Summer 1968

[The Bachelors Club was a social group of unmarried male members of staff]


With so many defections, the Bachelors' Club is threatened with temporary extinction; below are some of the memories of the past eighteen months of conviviality.

  1. Negotiating the dustbins of one Bury hotel in a vain endeavour to turn left to our true destination.
  2. The boast that one member weighed a sprightly ten stone seven: the scales read 13-2 and were then declared faulty despite giving the correct answer for all others present.
  3. One of the bolder spirits guiding the ladies clutching pennies to their destination: it was decided, nem con., that this hotel was out of bounds until the incident was forgotten.
  4. The discovery that carafes of wine were made up of yesterday's left-overs. The wine waiter looked as sour as the wine.
  5. The garlic cheese that galloped onto the plate demanding to be eaten-we were rapidly left alone in our glory that evening.
  6. The demonstration of how difficult it was to walk straight and or judge distance with the eyes shut. It was perhaps unfortunate that a riverside inn was chosen for the demonstration.
  7. The habit of our already engaged member of describing all waitresses as "lovely" -certainly this resulted in improved service-at table.
  8. Darts at Isleham: the President's winning three darts in a needle match, 18, 3, double 16; the simple way was too easy.
  9. The christening of three cars: Shagyak, Miyak, and Abandigo: all highly appropriate.
  10. The speed with which the post-prandial bottle of whiskey disappeared: the fewer present, the quicker it vanished.
  11. The thrills of the climatic Grand Prix race, the noise of the drivers being in direct ratio to the amount of alcohol already consumed.
  12. The sight of the President, pretending not to be one of us, when he so obviously was by his insistence on the payment of fines for mentioning the unmentionable; the subjects barred were never defined until they had been discussed - such was the President's guile in enjoying the aforesaid unmentionables and hoping to line his pockets at one and the same time.

To him and the others, one of the defecting members says a sad farewell, and ends in the hope that some time in the not too distant future, we may all meet again round the dining table, and the racing track.


If you can add memories of Mr Hanworth or provide photos of him, please contact the editor.
page last updated 1 Nov 2007