Soham Grammarians - Mrs M Kennett, French 1945-46

Soham Grammarian Autumn 1945

EDITORIAL: We also welcome the return of Mr. Riley and the new members of the staff - Mrs. Kennett, Miss McKenzie and Mr. Twiselton, as well as our new Secretary, Miss Jones, and Mr. Seymour, the new Caretaker.

Soham Grammarian Summer 1946

We regret to announce the departure of Mrs Kennett this term after being with us for a year, and take this opportunity of conveying the best wishes of the Staff and the School.

24 Jan 2006 Colin Cornwell 45 writes: I came across my school reports recently and, comparing them with the list of teachers, I can add the following. For the terms ending December 21st 1945 and April 11th 1946 our form master was a Mr. D. R. Lloyd who also taught English and we were taught French by a Miss M. Kennet. From July 1946 to July1947 our form master was Mr. Ian R. Bell ( Dinger).

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page last updated 13 Nov 2007