Soham Grammarians - record of what sources have provided

tbr=to be returned to lender to A=to Archive


John Ansell, tbr
1952 Cricket XI

Ralph Barker to A
Soham Grammarians
1967 Summer
1968 Summer
1969 Summer
1970 Summer (no back cover)
1971 Summer (proof, no covers)
1971 Summer
Speech Day Programmes
1972 Speech Day
1972 Commemoration Service

Peter Bedford
1935? School Photo, to A

Richard Carter, to A
Soham Grammarian
1938 Autumn
1939 Spring
1939 Summer

David Cross tbr
Production programmes
1955 March The Yeomen of the Guard
1956 March Hamlet
1957? April The Pirates of Penzance
1958 March The Gondoliers
1959 March The Bartered Bride
1957 Friday 4th October Opening of the New Assembly Hall & Laboratories

Richard Doe
Soham Grammarians
1958 Spring tbr
1955 EA welcome letter to parents
1955 School Rules

MR Duffield tbr
Soham Grammarians
1958 Christmas
1960 Spring
1960 Summer
1961 Spring
1961 Summer
1962 Summer
1964 Summer
1967 Summer
1968 Summer
1969 Summer
School Lists
The School Song of Soham Grammar School - music & words
1965 School Photo
1965 Pirates of Penzance photos:
pirates subdue constab
maids & Maj Gen
57-58 Fat King Melon

Fred Eden
Soham Grammarians
1949 Autumn loan for copying
Speech Day Programmes
1950 for copying
School Lists
1948 photocopy

John Firby, to A
1954 School Photo


FW Haslam own
Soham Grammarians
1961 Spring
1964 Spring
1964 Summer
1968 Summer
1970 Summer
1972 Summer
School Lists
1961-62 poor copy
School Calendars
1965 Summer
1966 Summer
1967 Summer
Speech Day Programmes
1962 Speech Day
1965 Senior PG
1966 Senior PG
School Song words only
1972 Commemoration Service
May 66 Sports Day1966 May: Inter House Athletics Prog
School Election Address - Andrew Smith (Conservative)
1966 Newmarket Journal - SGS Senior Prize Giving report
1964 Newmarket Journal - SGS O Levels report
1961 July (2H) School & Crossbones - prog
1961 Dec Amahl & The Night Visitors - prog (part)
1962 Dec The Winter's Tale - prog
1964 May The Memory Be Green - Shakespearean Entertainment - prog
1965 Dec The Shoemaker's Holiday - prog

Gordon Hemmings tbr
1964 The Memory Be Green - Shakespearean Entertainment - script with notations
1965 June Horizons I: The Literary Magazine of Soham Grammar School
1959 Taylor Form 1T
1964 Memory be Green (5 photos)
1962 PJ Askem design for Amahl
1962 Joan Yeoman's Dance sequence for Amahl
A 1960's Speech day talk
1964 Signed Programme from the cast to Mr Hemmings The Memory Be Green

The Lavender family, for the late John Lavender, for A
1 Medals and some ribbons in packets
1939-1945 War Medal & ribbon
1939-1945 Defence Medal, medal only
1939-1945 Star, medal & ribbon
The Italy Star, medal & ribbon
The Africa Star, medal & ribbon
Territorial Medal, medal & ribbon

2 Ribbon bar (L-R)
1939-1945 Star
The Africa Star
The Italy Star
Defence Medal
Territorial Efficiency Medal
(NB, his War medal ribbon is not on the bar)

3 Original Box in which medals received by J Lavender, 9 Parade Lane, Ely, Cambridgeshire

4 The Three Musketeers, Dumas: SGS Prize, school badge embossed on front, plate inside: Year 1934-1935: Prize for General Efficiency, to J Lavender Form VU, BJA Neill.

5. Bound set of the Soham Grammarian 1930-1936

6 Postcard photo of what appears to be some of the staff and boys of a school, probably SGS, on back JL. Photo by Starr & Rignall.

Phil Mason
1966-67 School List, pdf made, original returned

SJ Martin tbr
Soham Grammarians
1963 Spring
1963 Summer
1965 Summer
1966 Summer
1967 Summer
1969 Summer
Speech Day Programmes
1964 Speech Day
1968 Senior Prize Giving
1973 TL Riley obit
1973 TL Riley funeral report Ely Standard 29 Nov
G Docherty letter in Ely Standard on EA
1975 Sixth form directors 42 years in education report Ely Standard
1985 CJ Ford funeral report Newmarket Journal

Vincent Martin, returned
1944 Inter Schools Athletics team photo

Donald Monk, to A
Soham Grammarians
1950 Autumn
1951 Summer/Festival
1951 Autumn
1952 Summer
1952 Autumn
1953 Summer Coronation
1953 Autumn
1954 Summer
1955 New Year
1956 New Year
1956 Summer
1957 New Year
1957 Summer
1958 Summer
Speech Day Programmes
1953 Speech Day (photocopy)
1954 Speech Day (photocopy)
1955 Speech Day (photocopy)
1956 Speech Day
1957 Speech Day
1958 Speech Day
School Lists
1950-51 (photocopy)
1951-52 (photocopy)
1952-53 (photocopy)
1953-54 (photocopy)
1954-55 (photocopy)

Donald Monk, on 1 Oct 2011, to A
28 May 1953 Coronation Celebration [Programme], Parents Open Day
29 June 1951 Service of Thanksgiving in Remembrance of the Founding of the School

The Soham Grammarian:
Autumn 1948 (HE Nash)
Autumn 1949 (HE Nash)
Spring 1950 (H Nash)
Summer 1950
Autumn 1950 (H Nash)
Summer 1951 Festival issue [inside which was a newspaper in the AD series, 1535]
Autumn 1951
Summer 1952
Autumn 1952 [to which was attached a Post It note 'Coronation Edition Summer 1953' ???]


Peter Nicholls tbr
Soham Grammarians
1941 Spring
Speech Day Programmes
1941 Speech Day
1942 Speech Day
1942 Speech Day
very early OB tie
Press report 42 Speech Day

David Sale (status to be conf)
School Lists
1951 29 June Service of Thanksgiving in Remembrance of the founding of the School 1686

Peter Roe, to A
1946 School Photo
Speech Day Programmes
1952 Speech Day
1952 Service of Dedication Mem Gates
51-52 Football Fixtures List
Late 40s Cricket 1st XI Photo
1947 Edale Scout camp photos
1948 E Runton Scout camp photo
1949 Edale Scout camp photos
1950 Gillingham/Beccles/R Waveney Scout camp photos

Roger Smith to A
Soham Grammarians
1957 New Year
1957 Summer
1958 Christmas
1958 Summer
1959 Summer
1960 Spring
1960 Summer
1961 Spring
Speech Day Programmes
1959 Speech Day (2)
1960 Speech Day
School Calendars
Autumn/Spring 56-57 for A
U14 Cricket XI 1959 for A

EH Tabraham tbr
Soham Grammarians
1972 Summer
Speech Day Programmes
1967 Senior PG
1972 Speech Day
School Lists
School Calendars
1968 Summer
1970 Summer
1972 Summer
1972 Soham Grammar School 1686-1972 Commemoration Service 28th July
1974 Dec Menu booklet OB Dinner
1972 July HMS Pinafore programme
The School Song of Soham Grammar School - music & words

Richard Walker
1970 School Photo

Herbert 'Wilkes' Walton, to A
Soham Grammarians
1937 Lent, Summer, Autumn
1938 Spring, Summer, Autumn
1939 Spring, Summer, Autumn
1940 Spring, Summer, Autumn
1941 Summer, Autumn
1942 Spring, Summer, Autumn
1943 Spring, Summer, Autumn
1944 Spring, Summer, Autumn
1945 Spring, Summer, Autumn
1946 Spring, Summer, Autumn
1947 Spring, Summer, Autumn
1948 Spring, Summer, Autumn
1949 Spring, Summer
1950 Summer
1951 Summer (Festival Issue)
1952 Summer
1953 Summer (Coronation issue)
1954 Summer
1955 Summer
1960 Summer
1961 Summer
1962 Summer
1963 Summer (b/cover missing)
1964 Summer
1965 Summer
1966 Summer
1967 Summer
1968 Summer
1969 Summer
1970 Summer

Early 1930s

1937 School Photo
1937 Sports Day winners
1938 Hereward Ath team
1939 Sports day winners
1944 ATC race article
1948 Notice of OB reforming
1948 Dec OB Dinner Programme

Piet Walton-Knight, to A
School Lists
1952-53 photocopy

SVC to A
1926-28 School Photo
Hamlet 1956 framed photos x2

Graham Whiting, returned
1972 School photo

Soham Roots
1935? Prizegiving, copy to A

last updated 6 Oct 2011