Soham Grammarians: Historical Material Archive

Donation, or the loan, or provision of good quality copy, of material not shown on these pages would be appreciated. Please contact the editor in the first instance.

In the early days of this website the archive was maintained by Mike Rouse, an Honorary SG who was on the staff Soham Village College 1966-2003 and continued with special projects for them including their Archive, within which is the Soham Grammar School material. Nowadays the Archive is looked after by the current Resource Centre manager. Additionally some items which are displayed in the foyer at reunions are held by Chris Bent SG53.

Material is also held by the website editor Frank Haslam SG53 - partly as work in progress for eventual inclusion on the website, partly his personal schooldays memorabilia and partly material given by SGs or their families.

Unless on the donors record page donors indicate otherwise, material is destined for the SVC Archive.

Separate sections list:

Soham Grammarian (school magazines)
School Lists & School Calendars
Speech Day/Prizegiving programmes
Productions programmes, photos and material
Other printed matter such as Commemorations
Sport photos
Photographs excluding Productions and Sports
Other memorabilia such as uniform items
Donor records

We appeal to families and SGs to consider the Archive when 'clearing out' - ask us before throwing!

N.B. These pages are under construction and do not yet include some material held by SVC and the editor.