Soham Grammarians - Cricket, School Year 1954-55

1st XI photo

Soham Grammarian Summer 1955


With such a good nucleus of last year's XI available the prospects for 1955 seemed bright from the start. However, our troubles soon began when Dennis, who for years had bowled an immaculate length, suddenly lost his form. To rectify this two measures had to be taken: first Guiver relieved South as wicket-keeper so that the latter could bowl his spinners; and Coe was brought in to add some pace to the attack.

A glance at the match summaries shows that these moves were sound; from the second game the team settled down in a business-like manner. We have lost one match this term to the Perse who did well to get the runs in the time allotted. We hope we shall be given the opportunity to do better next year.

Guiver and South, our opening pair, have usually given us a good start, and although Guiver has not made the scores some of us expected, he has more often than not got himself out by "having a go" when we needed runs. The imperturbable South has stayed a little longer. Vail, Dennis, and Burton have batted well on occasions but the last four or five members of the team have had little chance to show their ability.

Our pace bowlers, Hobbs and Coe - what an unlucky bowler! - have opened the bowling to good effect and Dennis, Bishop and South have ably supported them. Both Bishop and South have used their spinners intelligently; South's effort against March deserves special mention.

The fielding and field setting have been better than usual and there is no doubt that Bishop has handled the team well, much better than some of us expected. After five years in the First XI we say goodbye to him this year and I am sure that all cricketers who have played with him will wish him well.

The Second XI have just completed another successful season, losing only one match, again against the Perse. Mr Kitchen will have the satisfaction of seeing many of them take their places in the First XI next year with ease, the best prospects being Moore, Holmes and Germeney.

The Under 14's have again done well, but here a shadow passes across our cricket picture. Mr Phythian, who has worked so tirelessly with the junior XI, is leaving us for the sunny south. We shall miss his skill, patience and help, and I wish to record my personal thanks.

Lastly to all those rolling squads who have sweated under the noonday sun, thank you: we couldn't have done without you.




March GS 78 (Bishop 6-22), School 82-2 (Vail 33 no.). WON
Exning 2nd XI 8 1 (Bishop 6-14), School 5 0-4. DRAWN
School 95-6 dec. (South 44 no.). KS Ely 76-4. DRAWN
Old Boys 102 (Bishop 6-28, South 4-27), School 106-9 (Hobbs 22 no.). WON
School 104 (Vail 39 no.). Perse School 117-4 (South 3-26). LOST
School 24-3 v. Newport GS Rain stopped play
KE VIth Bury 75 (South 9-27), School 77-2 (Dennis 32 no.). WON
School 124-5 dec. (Vail 34 no.). Guiver 28), Saffron Walden 43-7 (South 3-18). DRAWN
School 83-8 dec. (Vail 23, South 22 Newmarket GS 57-4. DRAWN
March GS 59 (South 8-25), School 61-0 (Guiver 33 no.). South 24 no.). WON
KS Ely 123 (Bishop 3-25), School 35-3. DRAWN
KE VIth Bury 97, School 99-1 (South 5 5 no.). Dennis 27 no.). WON
Thetford GS 35 (Hobbs 4-4), School 36-2. WON


School 104-9 dec., March GS 18 (Cropley 5-8, Coe 5-10). WON
School 62 (Cox 33), KS Ely 45 (Coe 4-6). WON
School 49, Perse School 54-3. LOST
School 95-6 dec. (Holmes 27 no.). KE VIth Bury 43 (Cox 4-6). WON
School 96 (Fordham 30), March GS 30 (Staines 6-12). WON
School 115 (Cox G9), KS Ely 58 (Cox 6-7). WON
School 111-4 dec. (Peters 35), KE VIth Bury 62 (Staines 6-35). WON


School 79 (Cox 58), KS Ely 32-8. DRAWN
Newport GS 30-7 (Taylor R 3-9). Rain stopped play
School 83 (Fowler 25), KE VIth Bury 87-7. LOST
School 84 (Fowler 28, Holmes 26), Saffron Walden 84 (Fowler 5-16). TIE
KS Ely 39 (Fowler 6-3), School 26), LOST
School 78 (Cox 41), KE VIth Bury 60 (Fowler 6-20). WON
School 73 (Bailey 29 no.). Thetford GS 18 (Taylor R 7-5). WON


School 56, St. Faiths 57-1. LOST

FIRST XI AVERAGES (Up to and including 2nd July, 1955)


Name No. of Inns. Not Outs Runs Highest Score Average
Vail 7 4 149 39 no. 49.66
South 12 5 221 55 no. 31.57
Bishop 7 2 78 31 no. 15.60
Guiver 12 1 171 33 no. 15.55


Name Overs Maidens Runs Wickets Average
South 64.4 12 190 31 6.12
Bishop 104.4 28 243 32 7.59
Hobbs 80 23 149 12 12.41
Dennis 43 12 123 7 17.57



Name No. of Inns. Not Outs Runs Highest Score Average
Holmes 4 1 80 27 no. 26.7
Cox 6 0 134 69 22.3
Fordham 6 0 69 30 11.5
Peters 7 0 64 35 9.1


Name Overs Maidens Runs Wickets Average
Cox 14 4 14 13 1.1
Coe 16.3 8 16 9 1.8
Staines 50 8 121 18 6.7

last update 4 Dec 2007