July 1958


Confusing as it may have been at first, you will by now have become used to the nomenclature IS and IT, 2A and 2F by which we indicate that, for the first two years of the five year course to the General Certificate, the two forms of each year are exactly parallel forms, studying exactly the same subjects, the letters attached to these forms being related merely to the names of the form-masters concerned.

It is now necessary to widen the curriculum in some ways and to restrict it in others and accordingly the present 2A and 2F forms will next year become 3L and 3T. Both forms will continue to study English, Mathematics, French, History and Geography. In addition 3L will study Latin (from which the form takes its designation L), Physics, Chemistry and Biology, while 3T will form the first year of the Technical side of the school which has been so successful in recent years. Boys in 3T will study, in addition to the subjects already nentioned, General Science, Rural Science, Technical Drawing, Art and Handicraft.

It is not impossible for a boy in 3L to continue to take Art but it can only be done at the expense of Music. Boys in 3T are able to do both Art and Music.

A very careful study of [name]'s aptitudes has decided us to place him next term in [3L/3T]. We hope that his further progress up the school will justify both his aptitude and our choice for him.

Yours sincerely


source: Gwyn Murfet
page created 2 Dec 10