Who booked for the 2010 Dinner
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This year we welcomed four who had not been since at least 2002. Four SGS staff were present including John Ansell's guest, Mrs Brenda Bott, who as Brenda Hobbs was School Cook 1945-52.
Chris Bent 53 was again our MC and John Dimmock 59 was our box office manager.
Rev (Rtd) Gwyn Murfet 56, using a grace from his old SGS service book.
Cream of Vegetable Soup
Coq au Vin or Vegetarian alternative
Vegetable selection, Roast and New PotatoesJam Roly Poly with Custard or Autumn Berry Cheesecake
Cheese Board
Coffee & MintsLoyal Toast : THE QUEEN (John Browning, History 47-51)
Guests of Honour: Dr Carin Taylor - Principal of Soham Village College
Mrs Ann Jarman - daughter of Mr CJ FordSpeakers: Wilkes Walton 36 with Frank Haslam '59'
Chris Bent 53, our MC for the evening. He once again welcomed Dr Carin Taylor, Principal of the Village College, to whom we are grateful in many ways. He also greeted Ann Jarman, who could relax this evening having given us a fascinating talk last year on her father John Ford - Charlie to most of us.
Chris noted that our numbers, although respectable at 70 bookings, were significantly down on last year for various reasons and that there were a considerable number of apologies. He hoped that we might find ways of enabling those for whom the journey is now a problem to continue to join in our enjoyment of the event.
He asked us all to do more to encourage others to come and recommended that we make a special effort to draw in those from the latter years of Soham Grammar School.
He recalled that last year his bow-tie had been interpreted as a distress signal by bow-tieman Wilkes Walton, who spotted that Chris's was upside down. Chris, whose old family business was not unrelated to the issue, duly investigated.
He recalled that his bow-tie had been found at the very bottom of other items. This was possibly explained by his findings, which were that his version was not only upside down but inside out! He informed us, in so many words, that with such unique advantages over the ordinary variety, his would continue to be worn with especial pride.
Later, he presented bouquets to Dr Carin Taylor, Mrs Ann Jarman and Mrs Brenda Bott.
Chris Bent 53, our MC
Guest of Honour
Dr Carin Taylor BA PhD CertEd NPQHPrincipal of Soham Village College since September 2006
Dr Taylor thanked the Grammarians for their invitation to once again attend the Dinner. She reminded us that the school had 1350 students and 200 staff. She added that we would realise that these were interesting times given the economic situation, with uncertainty over many factors affecting education.
As ever she and her dedicated staff sought the very best for the students. By next year the new Performing Arts Centre should be open for us to look at.
She briefly described The Fitzwilliam Museum and Soham Schools Partnership. This is an innovative and important new Partnership for Soham, its schools and community. The College's partnership with the Fitzwilliam Museum is at the heart of a drive to develop cultural learning in East Cambridgeshire.
Finally, Dr Taylor said we were most welcome at College events and hoped that we would feel that this provided an active link to our heritage. Letter from Dr Taylor to the Grammarians.
Dr Carin TaylorTalk: Soham Grammar School at War
The Toast to Absent Friends - Fred Eden
At the end of the talk we observed a Minute's Silence for the Soham Grammarians who died in the Second World War.
Fred commended to us those whose deaths had become known to us since we last met, and those who through illness or travel difficulties were unable to be with us at the Dinner.
Deaths of Staff: Ted Quinn, Physics 50-56
Deaths of SGs: Ronald C Audus 42, Trevor Blake 63, Sid Bonnett 45, Ken Cole 48, Grahame Count 65, Bill Hawes 39, Keith Hopkin 45, Hubert Nash 48, Les Seal 32, Richard Simpson 66, Grahame Stevens 49, Peter Tweed 50.
Fred Eden 44
Those sending apologies were:
Bernard Anderson 65
Rod Armitage 55Mike Baldwin 58
Ralph Barker 65
Ray Bolton 58
Donald Boud 45,
Rodney Brown 48David Christie 54
Cliff Cobbin 50Gary Dew 62
Rod Else 56
Geoff Fernie 59
John Firby 49
Philip Foreman 34Mike Goodchild 51
Al Gunn 70Gordon Hemmings 58-66
John Hill 48
Martin Hodder 50Bill Kelly 55
Leon Kitchen 51-57Brian Lane 48
June Lawrance
Norman Long 56Chris Mason 68
Roger Palmer 48
Charles Peacock 44
John Peacock 54
Don Phillips 48
Ken Purchase 52Bill Rennison 61-67
Geoff Rouse 56Eric Simper 51
Peter Smith 59
Roger Smith 56
Ted Stanley 49
Roger Sykes 42Brian Thorby 49
Arnold Tomalin 39
Mike Tuffs 61
Robert Tyler 62Malcolm Watson 47
Tony Willenbruch 62
Denis Wilkins 53
Roger Wright 49
John Wyatt 33
Some 2010 Reunion Dinner photos
Please contact the editor about any missing or incorrect IDs. Name and entry year are shown
Soham Station memorabilia brought by Gwyn Murfet 56 including a brick from the site of the old buildings brought to the surface in 1994 when Railtrack was levelling some of the ground.
A tapestry of Soham Station - the Last Afternoon, 1st June 1944, by Gwyn Murfet's wife, and a plan of the station
Wilkes Walton 36, Mrs Brenda Bott (Hobbs) Cook 45-52, Roy Palmer 37
Barry Lowe 55 - Ivan Whymer 56 - Malcolm Coe 57 - Roger Logan 57
David Reader 51 - John Brown 51 - Colin Fuller 51 - Michael Payton 51
Chris Bent 53 - Ann Jarman ("I suppose I had better be 1938, because that's when I first came into contact with the Grammar School") - Peter Scott 60-72 - Dick Bozeat 59-72: foreground right: Dr Carin Taylor
Michael Payton 51 - John Brown 51 - George Dann 33 - Peter Bird 53 - Derek Murton 53
Ken Beman 48 - Ian Hobbs 48 - David Engledow 48
Terry Rule 55 - Alan Frost 54 - Peter Deasley 54 - John Cornwell 54 - Colin Fuller 51
Two sets of brothers having fun - Robert Sculthorpe 63 - David Sculthorpe 65 - Simon Curtis 67 - Mark Curtis '66'
Derek Murton 53 - Stan Harley 53 - Graham Bye 53
David Reader 51 - Michael Hawes 69 - Cecil Fleet 40
Mike Barningham 60 - Alan Bray 60 - David Camps 60
Terry Jordan 48 - John Browning, History 47-51 who gave the Loyal Toast
The gallant talk audience ... it was not over yet: image from Kenn Hunter
59ers: Roger Johnson - Ralph Dunham - Peter Scott - John Dimmock
Click for image for another view including '59'er Frank Haslam (provided by Kenn Hunter)
Suits or smart casual wear are usually worn to the Dinner: although freshly laundered this SGS football shirt had apparently not been capable of gracing the owner for some time. Sorry, but I forgot to note who brought it.
25 Mar 11 Ed Reed 67 writes: It was my old football shirt which I brought along to the reunion dinner and you are quite correct, that for some inexplicable reason, it seems to have shrunk over the years to such a point, that whilst once loose fitting, I cannot get it on at all any more!
images: unless otherwise stated, Frank Haslam
page created 6 October 2010: last update 25 Mar 11
If you have good images to add to or improve this page, please contact the editor