Soham Grammarians - 2014 Reunion Luncheon

Who booked for the 2014 Lunch

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This year we welcomed four who had not been since at least 2002.
Two former SGS staff were present: Mr Dick Bozeat and Mr Alan Mason.
Chris Bent
53 was again our MC and John Dimmock 59 was our Box Office manager. Mrs Sue Dimmock assisted with the Bar.

Guests of Honour
Dr Carin Taylor - Principal of Soham Village College since 2006
Mrs Ann Jarman -
daughter of Mr CJ Ford

Introduction: Chris Bent 53

Grace: Fred Eden 44, recalling first day advice on eating school meals.


Leek and Potato Soup
Main Course
Roast Turkey
Roast Potatoes, Carrots, Peas and Braised Red Cabbage


Summer Pudding
Cheese and Biscuits

Tea or Coffee, with Mints

* a vegetarian alternative was offered when booking

The meal was followed by the Loyal Toast: Vince Gudgeon 66.

Then came the ‘Roll Call’ – when each stood in turn, using the microphone, to tell us their name/SGS years/where they lived ‘then & now’.

Chris Bent later presented bouquets to Dr Carin Taylor, Mrs Ann Jarman and to Sara Coutts who was in charge of the catering for our lunch. He also presented the cash from the silver bowl that had been passed round, to a representative from the very smartly turned out SVC senior pupils team that so capably served us.

Welcome to Guests by the MC: Chris Bent 53. Chris welcomed the non-SGS guests, present for the first time this year. Our numbers were down on previous years. The reunion team had plans to rectify this and would need the help of SGs to 'plug' the event. Chris also read out a heartfelt message from George/Jerzy Kiebuzinski 46, now in the USA, who came to SGS as a postwar refugee - see What's New for October 2014.

Welcome to Soham Village College: Dr Carin Taylor, the Principal, stressed the important role we have in the heritage of SVC.

She also told us of the Fitzwilliam Centre, opened at SVC on 18th June 2014. This provides six new rooms in a £1.1m art centre with high ceilings that let in floods of natural light, designed to provide students with a visually stimulating learning environment. It is situated next to the Performing Arts Centre which was opened in 2011 and was designed by the same architects.

Toast to Absent Friends: Ed Reed 67. We were reminded of the WWI fallen in the screen display before lunch (see below). Ed was particularly mindful of Mr Gareth Wood, Chemistry 64-72, who died on 7th April 2014 and was a regular attender at this event. Other deaths noted since last year's reunion were - name & entry year - Terry Allen 39; Edward GR Smith 56; Michael Whetstone 43?

SGS 56-61, AND BEYOND - Rev Gwyn Murfet
(see below)

The WWI Memorial in the entrance to Beechurst. WWI SGS dead research by Mike Rouse

Those sending apologies were:

Peter Askem, Art/Pottery 54-72

Brenda Bott, Cook 46-52

Lionel Fleet 44: Science 56-61
Anthony Foster, French 51-57

Bryan Hollamby, Biol 66-70
Kathy Howells, Biol 68-69
John Humphry, Geog 65-72

Leon Kitchen, History 51-57
John O'Toole, English 63-66

Bill Rennison, History 61-67

Peter Scott, Maths 60-72

Chris Wain, Maths 66-70

Anderson, Bernard 65
Angood, Dave 55
Ansell, John 47
Armitage, Rod 57

Baldwin, Michael 58
Bobby, Philip 44
Bolton, Ray 58
Brown, Rodney 48
Brunt, Martin 66
Bullman, Ted 48

Carter, Richard 38
Christie, David 54
Coe, Malcolm 57

Dann, George 33
Dunham, Ralph 59

Goodchild, Michael 51
Greig, Frank 52

Hiner, Bob 62
Holmes, Neil
Howe, John 51
Human, Roger 46
Hunter, Kenn 67

Kelly, Bill 55
Kiebuzinski, George/Jerzy 46

Lloyd, Malcolm 58

Palmer, Chris 65
Palmer, Roy 37
Peacock, Charles 44
Peters, Bill 48
Peters, John 44

Rouse, Geoff 56
Rule, Terence 55

Smith, Roger 56
Smith, William 40

Thornhill, Colin 40

Willenbruch, Tony 62
Wright, Ivor 47
Walton, Wilkes 36

Some 2014 Reunion Luncheon photos

Please contact the editor about any missing or incorrect IDs. Name and entry year are shown.

Alan Mason, Lab 66-72 - Peter Scott 59

Mike Barningham 60 and his guest Carmen Barningham - from Nigeria

Ian Hobbs 48 - Patrick Faircliffe 48 - John Brown 51 - Colin Fuller 51

guest Tim Hearman, grandson of Ken Beman 48

Donald Phillips 48 - Richard Dean 56

L-R: Ed Reed 67 - Dick Bozeat 59-72 - Clive Bray 50 - Alan Bray 60 - Donald Monk 50

Chris Bent 53 - Denis Wilkins 53 - Alan Hill 53 - Dr Carin Taylor

Stan Harley 53 - Roger Sulman 53 - Albert Ware 52 - Derek Murton 53

Albert Ware 52 - Ken Purchase 52

Nearest L-R: John Kisby 43 - Fred Eden 44 - Andrew Cullum 58 - John Dimmock 59

Anthony Nix 65 - John Lester 65 - Brian Lythell 56 (who was table hopping)

guest Mrs Jennifer Lythell - Michael Miller 70 - James Gilbert 65

Barry Lowe 55 - guest Peter Reynolds - Neil Munro 67

Gerald Gillett 51 - Ivan Whymer 56 - Gwyn Murfet 56 (our speaker)

Mrs Ann Jarman - Dr Carin Taylor - Chris Bent

Senior SVC pupils serving team under the direction of former SVC pupil Sara Coutts, whose catering team did a great job with the food..
SVC liaison Matt Muldoon at the back was a great help with the AV system.

Gywn Murfet's talk

images: unless otherwise stated, Frank Haslam
page created 14 Oct 14: last updated 23 Jan 16
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