Soham Grammarians - Miss Kate Goodison (French 1941-44)

Soham Grammarian Autumn 1941
Before the term began we lost Mr Riley, who was called up for military service, and we should like to wish him every success in his new 'career'. We were glad to see him for a few hours on the first day of term and later sent him a present to say 'au revoir'. His place has been temporarily filled by Miss Goodison, to whom we extend our warmest greetings and hopes that she will enjoy her stay with us.

Soham Grammarian Autumn 1944
Unfortunately we are losing a most able and diligent member of the staff this term, Miss Goodison, who has so kindly taken the place of Mr Riley in the teaching of French for the past three and a half years.

Please contact the editor if you can add recollections or photos to this page
last updated 16 Mar 2010

see also Alan Diver's wartime reminiscences

Terry Allen 39 (8 Mar 2005): Kate Goodison was a very nice lady who taught us French while Slug Riley was away in the War. I believe that after the War she went to live in Paris. On several occasions when visiting Paris I attempted to find her in the Telephone Directory but had no joy at all.

Wilkes Walton 36 (9 Nov 2003): [about Mr Riley] We had our share of aggro and were quite happy that he should go and terrorise Adolf Hitler after the Summer term 1941. Luke had been good at dinning irregular verbs into us but then we got Miss KE Goodison, a delightful 30-something (I suppose) lady, also from Sheffield University. Kathleen ('Kate') was probably better with the literature and the history of the Higher Cert course. She got Norman Sneesby and me to write an article in French for the magazine when we had been to see Femmes Savantes at the Arts Theatre.