Soham Grammarian Summer 1966 Miss Lowe was the first house-keeper appointed to Soham Grammar School. Her death in Newmarket General Hospital after a long illness, meant a sad loss to all who knew her. We are indebted to the Headmaster for this appreciation which will bring back many memories to those who knew her, and those who did not will realise their loss:
Miss Lowe took up her post in June 1946, and by the time she was obliged to resign after a sudden illness in August 1958, she had firmly endeared herself in the hearts of all boys and masters who were at school during this period.
It was not an easy time - food rationing was still in force, supplies were difficult, the school was growing. But none of these difficulties deterred Miss Lowe from interpreting her duties liberally, generously, and without regard to her own time, trouble and inconvenience.
It is no exaggeration to say that in an almost entirely monastic establishment she provided that motherly presence that all boys' schools need and many frightened new boys, and even many with all the experience of a whole year or more at a new school, have found respite, solace and recovery from temporary stress in the seclusion of her office and the kindliness of her presence.
Miss Lowe had no children of her own, but she shared the lives of more than two generations of Soham Grammarians, who will mourn the passing of a friend of their schooldays.
from the 1956 School photo
from the 1949 School photo
from the 1952 School photo
from the 1954 School photo
Soham Grammarian Summer 1957
Miss Lowe, our Housekeeper, has now completed eleven years at this school. On July 8th she was presented at Assembly with a birthday present of two leather cases as a mark of our gratitude to her.
Peter Stonebridge (1950-54) 10 Nov 02: School Housekeeper Miss Lowe was quite a small person but her rear was a little out of proportion with the rest of her body. When collecting dinner money etc. she was always in a hurry and used to sweep in and say "Sorry Mr Taylor, I'm all behind today". It was quite a job to keep a straight face!
Do you have any appreciations, photos or anecdotes relating to Miss Lowe? please contact the editor
page last updated 4 Nov 2007