If you are an SG or former staff or near kin of a late SG or SGS staff member and you are NOT on this page, please email Frank Haslam or write to him with the information requested at 56 Windfield, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8UQ:
- your address
- telephone number
- your own email address
- your/their dates at SGS (year started & year left).
If you wish to be in touch with someone on this list your request will be forwarded to them, as explained on the How we do it page (see menu).
Those who are on email are flagged below with an 'e'. Those in bold are Staff. Those in italics are family.
The year shown with a name of an SG is their entry year e.g. 60: if shown as 'yy' this person arrived later than the rest of their Form, who started in yy. Entry years are based where possible on school records rather than memory. Elsewhere on this website the year will be preceded by SG eg SG60.
Please note that we are not always informed of changes of address or change of email address or of deaths so putting people in touch may not always go smoothly.
Abraham, John 65 e Allen, Ian 67 e Allen, Martin 66 Allen, Peter 57 Anderson, David 59 e Angood, David 55 e Ansell, John 47 Appleyard, Tony 41 e Armitage, Richard son of EA e Armitage, Robin '57' e Armitage, Roderick 55 e Ashman, Gerald 63 Ashton, Brian '59' e Audus, Graham (Harry) 61 e Aves, Tim 68 e |
Bailey, David 54 +Bailey, Francis 1930s (Glenda) e Barber, Bob 53 e Barber, Owen 50 Barker, Ralph 65 e Barningham, Mike 60 e Bartholomew, Barry 66-70 e Bartlett, Mick 60 e Barton, Charlie 68 e Bass, Robert 59 e Baumber, Robin 48 e Beale, David 62 e Beavan, Peter '58' e +Bedford, Peter 34 (Yvonne) Bell, Anthony 64 e Beman, Ken 48 e Benson, Andy '59' e Bent, Chris 53 e Berney, Richard 68 e Bidwell, Colin 61 Bird, Peter 53 e Bishop, Mark 70 e Bishop, Jules 47 e Bishop, Raymond 48 Bishop, Stephen 51 e Black, Don 47 e Blake, David 51 Bobby, Philip 44 e Bokor, Shaun 65 e Bolton, Ray 58 e Bolton, Steve late 66 now Williamson e Booth, Ian 57 e Boud, Donald 45 e Boyden, Tim 58 e Bozeat, Dick 59-72 e Bray, Alan 60 e Bray, David 45 e Breeze, Alan 54 e Bridge, Nick 72 e Briston, David 64 e Bristow, Brian 65 Brogan, Mike 63 e Brooks, Malcolm 51 e Brooks, Trevor 54 e Brown, John 51 e Brown, Kevin 63 e Brown, Peter 37 e Brown, Richard 60 e Brown, Rodney 48 e Browning, John 47-51 Brunt, Martin 66 e Bryan, David 66 e Bull, Chris 53 e Bullman, Edward 48 Burton, Tony 60 e Bussingham, Neville 59 Butcher, John 47 e Butcher, Rodney 57 Butcher, Michael 58 e Butler, David 44 Butler, Richard 60 e Bye, Graham 53 e |
Camps, David 60 e Canham, David SG66 e Capper, Brian 68 e Carter, Graham 63 Carter, Richard 38 e Cave, Nick 60 e Chambers, Ian 57 Chapman, Melvyn 51 e Chilcott, Bill SG50 e Christie, Dave 54 e Clark, Michael 55 e Claxton, Barry 49 e Clements, Roger e Clift, Sam 50 e Cobbin, Clifford 50 e Cockerton, Peter 42 e Coe, Len 49 e Coe, Malcolm 57 e Coey, David '63' e Cole, Brian 69 e Constable, Robin 60 Cooper, Brian 48 e Coote, Geoff 57 e Coote, Jim 54 e Cornell, Anthony 67-72 e Cornwell, Colin 45 e Cornwell, Desmond 31 Cornwell, John 54 e Cornwell, Mel 67 e Count, Michael 67 e Couperthwaite, John 53 e Cowley, Ernest 52 e Cowmeadow, Clive 61 e Cox, Eric 52 Cox, Stuart 64 Coxhead, John 40 e Coxhead, Peter 59 e Coxhead, Steve 66 e Coxon, Gary 68 e Crabb, David 65 e Crawford, Tom 59 e Cresswell, Colin 49 Crisp, Garry 70 e Crofts, Richard 63 e Cropley, Bob 49 e Cross, David 54 e Cross, Geoffrey 64 Cross, Russell '57' Crow, Graham 67 e Crowe, David 52 e Cullum, Andrew 58 e Cullum, Sid 59 e Curtis, Chris 65 e Curtis, Mark '66' Curtis, Simon 67 e Czumaj, Ralph 54 e |
Dabrowa, Robin 59 e Daisley, Roy 44 e Davies, Martyn 66 e Davies, Nick 67 e Dawson, Anthony 62 e Dean, Richard 56 e Deasley, Peter 54 e Dench, Alan 67 e Devonish, Peter 61 e Dew, Gary 62 e Dimmock, John 59 e Diver, Alan 40 e Diver, Keith 64 e Docherty, Graham 47 Docherty, Howie 56 e Doe, Richard 55 e Donaldson, Lees '59' e Double, Geoff 68 e Drake, John 52 e Drake, Russell 52 e Duffield, Gordon 54 Duffield, Martin 57 e Duncan-Burgess, Patrick e Dunham, Paul 59 e Dunham, Ralph 59 e |
Easingwood, Jeffrey 64 e Easy, Peter 63 e Eden, Fred 44 e Eden, John 49 e Eden, Stuart 71 e Eland, Peter 44 Ellingham, Ken 51 e Ellis, Christopher 59 Ellis, Warwick 63-66 e Else, Rod 56 e Elton, David 49 Engledow, David 48 e Essex, Keith '64' e Evans, Jon '61' e Evison, John Joe '65' e Evison, Peter '67' e Ewer, Tim 61 e |
Faben, Nigel 59 e Faircliffe, Patrick 48 e Favell, John 50 e Fellows, John 64 e Fernie, Geoff 59 e Firby, Paul 58 e Firby, Tony 60 e Fisher, C William '59' e Fleet, Don 61 e Fleet, John 40 Fletcher, Malcolm 49 e Fletcher, Roland '64' e Foreman, Adrian 59 Formby, Richard 68 e Freeman, Leonard 53 e Fretwell, Eric 51 Fretwell, Vernon 50 e Frost, Alan 54 e Fuller, Craig 71 e Fyson, Richard |
Gammon, Geoff 50 e Geeson, Phil '64' e Gilbert, Howard hon Gilbert, James 65 e Gilbert, Stephen 61 e Gillett, Gerald 51 e Glover, Steve 67 e Golla (now Clayton), John 68 e Goodge, John 61 e Goulty, Chris 54 e Grange, Peter 53 e Grainger, Nick '61' e Grant, Ken '69' e Grassi, John 57-60 e Green, Phil 68 e Gregory, Mark 54 e Gregson, Paul 67 e Greig, Frank 52 e Griffiths, Tim 57 e Gudgeon, Vince 66 e Gunn, Alasdair 70 e |
Haddrell, Keith 49 e Hale, Edward 47 Hallam, Mike 51 e Halls, Stephen 68 e Hambidge, Colin 68 e Hammans, Paul '68' e Hancock, Lindsay 59 e Harley, Stan 53 e Harper, Nigel 64 e Hart, Chris 48 Haslam, Frank '59' e Haslop, Nigel 66 e Hawes, Michael 69 e Haynes, Gordon '57' e Hazelgrove, David 65 e Heffer, Lloyd 44 Herod, Steve 57 e Hill, Alan 53 e Hill, Christopher 62 e Hill, John 48 e Hills, Colin 68 e Hiner, Bob 62 e Hinze, Robert 52 e + Hobbs, David 49 e (Rosalind) Hobbs, Bruce 65 Hobbs, Ian 48 e Hobbs, Peter 61 e Hollamby, Bryan 66-70 e Holleyman, Charles 61 e Holmes, Neil 52 e Holmes, Paul 46 e Howard, Kenneth 46 Howe, John 51 e Howells, Kathy 68-69 e Howchin, Neil 67 e Human, Roger 46 e Hunter, Kenn 67 e |
Jackson, Brian 50 e Jackson, Gordon 52 e Jakes, Chris 65 Camb Collection e Jarman, Alan 65 e Jarman, Ann fCJFord e Jeffery, Jenny f EHTabraham e Johnson, Roger 59 e Jones, Doug 71 e Jones, Fred 53 e Jones, Ivor 65-71 e Jordan, Tim 59 e Joyce, Reginald 63 |
Kelly, Bill 55 e Kiebuzinski, George 49-51 e Kilvington 68-71, David e King, Bruce 64 e King, Keith 62 e King, Roy 59 e Kisby, John 43 e Kitchen, Leon 51-57 f e Knott, Brian 47 e Kurrie, Ranjit 61e Kyte, Martin '69' e |
+ Lane, Brian 48 e (Beth) Lane, Philip 70 e +Lane, Roger 49 (Anne) Laycock, John 50 e Layer, Geoff '67' e Lawrance Family Albert L SVC e Leaney, John 41 e Lee, Roy 44 Lee, Trevor 54 e Lenanton, John 46 e Lennie, Bill Leonard, Bob 41 Leonard, Timothy 61 e Leonard, Tony 67 Lester, John 65 e Lloyd, Malcolm 58 e Lockwood, Jack 25 Logan, Roger 57 e Lomatschinsky, (Taras) Paul '64' e Long, Norman 56 e Lowe, Barry 55 e Lowe, Colin 48 Lupson, Peter 57 e Lupson, Terry 55 e Lyons, Bob '64' (6th 69-71) e Lythell, Brian 56 e |
Mackender, Terry 59 e Mader, Gary 62 e Markwell, Paul 58 e Martin, Derek 47 Martin, Stephen 62 e Mason, Chris 68 e Mason, Phil 66 Mayes, Rod 53 McElderry, Neville 63-64 McFarlane, Don '64' e McFarlane, Duncan '65' e McHugh, Terry 65 e Meacham, Trevor 50 Meadows, Ron 53 e Melton, Stephen 62 e Middleditch, Jack 53 e Milne, John 49 e Moll, Vaughan 59 e Monk, Donald 50 e Morley, David 54 e Morley, James 47 e Moseley, Vic 61 e Motley, Mike 58 e Moulton, Peter 61 e Muncey, David 63 e Munns, David 57 e Munro, Neil 67 e Murfet, Gwyn 56 e Murfitt, David 69 e Murfitt, Ian 71 e Murfitt, Michael 60 Murfitt, Stephen 65 e Murfitt, Terry '59' e Murkin, Andy 65 e Murton, Derek 53 e Musk, Peter |
Neate, Douglas 60 e Newman, Terry 59 e Newell, Lester 59 Nicholas, Bernard 47 e Nicholas, Dannie 59 f e Nicholls, Peter 39 Nix, Anthony 65 e Noble, Tony 68 e Norman, David 68 e Norman, Len 49 e Norman, Robert 42 Notley, Derek 45 e Nunn, Andrew 55 e Nunn, Stuart 62 |
Oakes, Philip 61 e O'Toole, John 63-66 e |
Padget, Patrick 62 e Palmer, Chris 65 Palmer, Hugh 46 Palmer, Roger 48 Palmer, Roy 37 e Parfitt, Trevor 55 e Parker, Terry 59 e Parr, Alec Barry 62 e Parr, David 68 e Parr, Michael 69 e Parr, Robin 52 e Partridge, Geoff 64 e Partridge, Malcolm 61 e Payton, Michael 51 Payton, Tony 53 Peachey, Richard 59 e Peacock, Charles 44 e Peacock, John 54 e Peacock, Vernon 60 Pearson, Eric 60 e Pearson, Michael 65 e Peavot, Nicholas 69 e Pennick, Anthony '57' e Peters, Bill 48 e Peters, Brian 61 e Peters, John 44 e Peters, Roger 61 e Petty, Mike 57 Local History e Phelps, Charlie 50 e Phillips, Donald 48 e Plumb, David 66 e Plumb, Michael 54 e Pollard, David '58' e Porter, Stuart 59 e Powell, Robert 56 e Pryke, Geoffrey 58 Pugh, Stirling 66 e |
Rains, Norman 48 e Reader, Steve 64 e Reed, Edmund 67 e Reeve, Michael 52 e Reynolds, George 44 Reynolds, Gordon 46 e Richardson, Nicholas 68 e Riley, Sue fTLR Robinson, Bob 58 e Robinson, John 46 e Roe, Peter 46 e Rolph, Paul 54 e Rowe, Barry 55 e Royal-Dawson, Christopher 63-67 e Rudd, Chris 56 e Rule, Terence 55 e |
Saberton, Ian 71 e Sale, David 46 e Salmon, Steve 57 Salmon, Trevor 60 e Salmons, Steve 65 e Sandham, Tom '59' e Saul, John 65 Saul, John A 62 e Scannell, Eric 66 e Scott, David 66 e Scott, Peter 59 e Scott, Peter 60-72 e Scott, Raymond Scotting, John 49 Sculthorpe, David 65 Sculthorpe, Robert 63 e Searle, Colin 62 e Sennitt, David 53 e Seymour, Patrick 69 Seymour, Stephen 68 e Sharp,Tony (Richard) 55 e Shelley, John 60 e Sherrington, Norman 60-68 f Shilston, Peter 57 e Simpson, John Smith, Andrew 60 e Smith, Bill 40 e Smith, Brian 63 e Smith, Charles 49 e Smith, Peter 59 e Smith, Richard 59 Smith, Roger 56 e Smith, Trevor J 62 e Snuggs, Graham 67 e Sparkes David 47 e Sparrow, Philip 66 e Sparrow, Ralph 45 e Speed, Jack Graham 61-64 Stalker, Hugh 57-59 e Stevens, Paul 66 e Stevens, Terence 48 e Stewart, Chris 69 e Stittle, Ray 41 Stone, Kevin 66 e Stonebridge, Richard 69 e Storey, Ian '59' e Street, Richard 64 e Stroud, Gary 69 e Sullivan, Tim 69 e Sykes, Don 48 e Sykes, Roger 42 e Symonds, Brian 61 |
Talbot, Norman 60 e Tassell, Ashley 56 Tassell, Charles 46 e Tassell, Richard 50 Taylor, Alan 45 Taylor, Clive 55 e Taylor, Jane dau RAT e Taylor, Glyn 61 e Taylor, John 43 Taylor, Simon 70 e Taylor, Peter son RAT e Tharby, Peter 53 e Thorby, Brian 49 e Thornhill, Simon 65 e Ticehurst, Neil 68 Tiley, Andrew 71 Titmarsh, Terence 41 Tuffs, Michael 61 e Tunnell, Nigel 67 Turner, Michael 47 e Turnill, Richard 59 e Tyler, Bob 62 e |
Vince, Richard 64 | Wain, Chris 66-70 Waller, John 47 e Waller, Richard 67 e Walker, Alan 60 e Walker, Michael '57' e Walker, Richard 64 e Walton, Dudley 63 e Walton-Knight, Piet 52 e Ward, Rod Rocky 59 e Ware, Albert 52 Warren, David 51 e Watson, Jeff 51 e Watson, SP 68 Webb, Robert 70 e Webster, John 59 e Wheeler, Richard (Jim) 57 e Wheeler, William 60 e White, Robert 64 Whiting, Keith e Whymer, Ivan 56 e Whymer, Michael 52 e Wilding, Peter 59 e Wilkins, Denis 53 e Wilkins, Martin 59 e Willenbruch, Tony 62 e Wilmore, Maurie '50' e Williams, Stephen 66 e Wilson, John 46 e Windibank, Richard 55 (now Harvey) e Wise, Jonathan 55 e Wiseman, Robert 70 e Woodroffe, David 60 e Woodruff, Michael 59 e Wright, Ivor 43 e Wright, Roger 49 e |
Yeomans, Michael 60 e Yeomans, Stephen 65 e |
Bartholomew, Barry 66-70 e |
Gilbert, Howard hon Rouse, Mike hon |
Cornwell, Desmond 31 +Bedford, Peter 34 (Yvonne) Brown, Peter 37 e Carter, Richard 38 e Nicholls, Peter 39 |
Coxhead, John 40 e Appleyard, Tony 41 e Cockerton, Peter 42 e Kisby, John 43 e Bobby, Philip 44 e |
Boud, Donald 45 e Holmes, Paul 46 e Ansell, John 47 |
Baumber, Robin 48 e Claxton, Barry 49 e |
Barber, Owen 50 Bishop, Stephen 51 e |
Cowley, Ernest 52 e Barber, Bob 53 e |
Bailey, David 54 Angood, David 55 e |
Dean, Richard 56 e Allen, Peter 57 |
Beavan, Peter '58' e Anderson, David 59 e |
Barningham, Mike 60 e Audus, Graham (Harry) 61 e |
Beale, David 62 e Ashman, Gerald 63 |
Bell, Anthony 64 e Abraham, John 65 e |
Allen, Martin 66 Allen, Ian 67 e |
Aves, Tim 68 e Cole, Brian 69 e |
Bishop, Mark 70 e Eden, Stuart 71 e |
1971-72Bridge, Nick 72 e |
entry year to be
Duncan-Burgess, Patrick e |
you may have to look in more than one place e.g. Bob/Robert
Adrian Foreman 59 Alan Bray 60 e Alan Breeze 54 e Alan Dench 67 e Alan Diver 40 e Alan Frost 54 e Alan Hill 53 e Alan Jarman 65 e Alan Taylor 45 Alan Walker 60 e Alasdair Gunn 70 e Albert Lawrance Family SVC e Albert Ware 52 Alec Barry Parr 62 e Andy Benson '59' e Andrew Cullum 58 e Andrew Nunn 55 e Andrew Smith 60 e Andrew Tiley 71 Ann Jarman fCJFord e Anthony Bell 64 e Anthony Cornell, 67-72 e Anthony Dawson 62 Anthony Nix 65 e Anthony Pennick year of 57 e Andy Murkin 65 e Ashley Tassell 56 |
Barry Bartholomew 66-70 e Barry Claxton 49 e Barry Lowe 55 e Barry Rowe 55 e Bernard Nicholas 47 e Bill Chilcott SG50 e Bill Kelly 55 e Bill Lennie Bill Peters 48 e Bill Smith 40 e Bob Barber 53 e Bob [CF] Cropley 49 e Bob Hiner 62 e Bob Leonard 41 Bob Lyons 69-71 e Bob Robinson 58 e Bob Tyler 62 e Brian Ashton '59' e Brian Bristow 65 Brian Capper 68 e Brian Cooper 48 e Brian Cole 69 e Brian Jackson 50 e Brian Knott 47 e + Brian Lane 48 e (Beth) Brian Lythell 56 e Brian Peters 61 e Brian Smith 63 e Brian Symonds 61 Brian Thorby 49 e Bruce Hobbs 65 Bruce King 64 e Bryan Hollamby 66-70 e |
C William Fisher '59' e Charlie Barton 68 e Charles Holleyman 61 e Charles Peacock 44 e Charlie Phelps 50 e Charles Smith 49 e Charles Tassell 46 e Chris Bent 53 e Chris Bull 53 e Chris Curtis 65 e Christopher Ellis 59 Chris Goulty 54 e Chris Hart 48 Christopher Hill 62 e Chris Jakes 65 Camb Collection e Chris Mason 68 e Chris Palmer 65 Christopher Royal-Dawson 63-67 e Chris Rudd 56 e Chris Stewart 69 e Chris Wain 66-70 Clifford Cobbin 50 e Clive Cowmeadow 61 e Clive Taylor 55 e Colin Bidwell 61 Colin Cornwell 45 e Colin Cresswell 49 Colin Hambidge 68 e Colin Hills 68 e Colin Lowe 48 Colin Searle 62 e Craig Fuller 71 e |
Dannie Nicholas 59 f e David Anderson 59 e David Angood 55 e David Bailey 54 David Beale 62 e David Blake 51 David Bray 45 e David Briston 64 e David Butler 44 David Bryan 66 e David Camps 60 e David Canham 66 e Dave Christie 54 e David Coey '63' e David Crabb 65 e David Cross 54 e David Crowe 52 e David Engledow 48 e David Elton 49 David Hazelgrove 65 e + David Hobbs 49 e (Rosalind) David Kilvington 68-71 e David Morley 54 e David Muncey 63 e David Munns 57 e David Murfitt 69 e David Norman 68 e David Parr 68 e David Plumb 66 e David Pollard '58' e David Sale 46 e David Sennitt 53 e David Scott 66 e David Sculthorpe 65 David Sparkes 47 e David Warren 51 e David Woodroffe 60 e Denis Wilkins 53 e Derek Martin 47 Derek Murton 53 e Derek Notley 45 e Desmond Cornwell 31 Dick Bozeat 59-72 e Don Black 47 e Don Fleet 61 e Don McFarlane '64' e Donald Boud 45 e Donald Monk 50 e Donald Phillips 48 e Don Sykes 48 e Doug Jones 71 e Douglas Neate 60 e Dudley Walton 63 e Duncan McFarlane '65' e |
Edmund Reed 67 e Edward Bullman 48 Edward Hale 47 Eric Cox 52 Eric Fretwell 51 Eric Pearson 60 e Eric Scannell 66 e Ernest Cowley 52 e |
Frank Greig 52 e Frank Haslam '59' e Fred Eden 44 e Fred Jones 53 e |
Gary Coxon 68 e Garry Crisp 70 e Gary Dew 62 e Gary Mader 62 e Gary Stroud 69 e Geoffrey Cross 64 Geoff Fernie 59 e Geoff Partridge 64 e Geoff Coote 57 e Geoff Double 68 e Geoff Gammon 50 e Geoff Layer '67' e Geoffrey Pryke 58 George Kiebuzinski 49 e George Reynolds 44 Gerald Ashman 63 Gerald Gillett 51 e Glyn Taylor 61 e Gordon Duffield 54 Gordon Haynes '57' e Gordon Jackson 52 e Gordon Reynolds 46 e Graham (Harry) Audus 61 e Graham Bye 53 e Graham Carter 63 Graham Crow 67 e Graham Docherty 47 Graham Snuggs 67 e Graham Jack Speed 61-64 e Gwyn Murfet 56 e |
Howard Gilbert hon Howie Docherty 56 e Hugh Palmer 46 Hugh Stalker, 57-59 e |
Ian Allen 67 e Ian Booth 57 e Ian Chambers 57 Ian Hobbs 48 e Ian Murfitt 71 e Ian Saberton 71 e Ivan Whymer 56 e Ivor Jones 65-71 e Ivor Wright 43 e |
Jim Coote 54 e Jack Middleditch 53 e James Gilbert 65 e James Morley 47 e Jane Taylor fRAT e Jeff Watson 51 e Jeffrey Easingwood 64 e Jenny Jeffery, fEHTabraham e John Abraham 65 e John Ansell 47 John Brown 51 e John Browning 47-51 John Butcher 47 e John Cornwell 54 e John Couperthwaite 53 e John Coxhead 40 e John Dimmock 59 e John Drake 52 e John Eden 49 e John Joe Evison '65' e John Favell 50 e John Fellows 64 e John Fleet 40 John Golla (now Clayton), 68 e John Goodge 61 e John Grassi 57-60 e John Hill 48 e John Howe 51 e John Kisby 43 e John Laycock 50 e John Leaney 41 e John Lenanton 46 e John Lester 65 e John Milne 49 e John O'Toole 63-66 e John Peacock 54 e John Peters 44 e John Robinson 46 e John A Saul 62 e John W Saul 51 John Scotting 49 John Shelley 60 e John Simpson John Taylor 43 John Waller 47 e John Webster 59 e John Wilson 46 e Jon Evans '61' e Jonathan Wise 55 e Jules Bishop 47 e |
Ken Beman 48 e Kathy Howells e Keith Diver 64 e Keith Essex '64' e Keith Haddrell, 49 e Keith King 62 e Keith Whiting e Ken Ellingham 51 e Kenneth Howard 46 Kenn Hunter 67 e Ken Grant '69' e Kevin Brown 63 e Kevin Stone 66 e |
Lees Donaldson,'59' e Len Coe 49 e Len Norman 49 e Leon Kitchen 51-57 f e Leonard Freeman 53 e Lester Newell 59 Lindsay Hancock 59 e Lloyd Heffer 44 |
Malcolm Brooks 51 e Malcolm Fletcher 49 e Malcolm Coe 57 e Malcolm Lloyd 58 e Malcolm Partridge 61 e Mark Bishop 70 e Mark Curtis '66' Mark Gregory 54 e Martin Allen 66 Martin Brunt 66 e Martin Duffield 57 e Martin Kyte '69' e Martin Wilkins 59 e Martyn Davies 66 e Maurie Wilmore '50' e Melvyn Chapman 51 e Mel Cornwell 67 e Mick Bartlett 60 e Mike Barningham 60 e Mike Brogan 63 e Michael Butcher 58 e Michael Clark 55 e Michael Count 67 e Mike Hallam 51 e Michael Hawes 69 e Mike Motley 58 e Michael Murfitt 60 Michael Parr 69 e Michael Payton 51 Michael Pearson 65 e Mike Petty 57 Local History e Michael Plumb 54 e Michael Reeve 52 e Michael Tuffs 61 e Michael Turner 47 e Michael Walker '57 e Michael Whymer 52 e Michael Woodruff 59 e Michael Yeomans 60 e |
Neil Holmes 52 e Neil Howchin 67 e Neil Ticehurst 68 Neville Bussingham 59 Neville McElderry 63-64 Nick Bridge 72 e Nick Cave 60 e Nick Davies 67 e Nick Grainger '61' e Nicholas Peavot 69 e Nicholas Richardson 68 e Nigel Faben 59 e Nigel Harper 64 e Nigel Haslop 66 e Nigel Tunnell 67 Norman Long 56 e Norman Rains 48 e Norman Talbot 60 e Norman Sherrington 60-68 f |
Owen Barber 50 |
Patrick Duncan-Burgess e Patrick Faircliffe 48 e Patrick Padget 62 e Patrick Seymour 69 Paul Dunham 59 e Paul Firby 58 e Paul Gregson 67 e Paul Hammans '68' e Paul Holmes 46 e Paul Markwell 58 e Paul Rolph 54 e Paul Stevens 66 e Peter Beavan '58' e +Peter Bedford 34 (Yvonne) Peter Allen 57 Peter Bird 53 e Peter Brown 37 e Peter Cockerton 42 e Peter Coxhead 59 e Peter Deasley 54 e Peter Devonish 61 e Peter Easy 63 e Peter Eland 44 Peter Evison '67' e Peter Grange 53 e Peter Handley 42 Peter Hobbs 61 e Peter Lupson 57 e Peter Moulton 61 e Peter Musk Peter Nicholls 39 Peter Roe 46 e Peter Scott 59 e Peter Scott 60-72 e Peter Shilston 57 e Peter Smith 59 e Peter Taylor fRAT e Peter Tharby 53 e Peter Wilding 59 e Phil Geeson '64' e Phil Green 68 e Philip Bobby 44 e Philip Lane 70 e Phil Mason 66 Philip Oakes 61 e Philip Sparrow 66 e Piet Walton-Knight 52 e |
Ralph Barker 65 e Ralph Czumaj 54 e Ralph Dunham 59 e Ralph Sparrow 45 e Raymond Bishop 48 Ray Bolton 58 e Raymond Scott Ranjit Kurrie 61e Ray Stittle 41 Reginald Joyce 63 Richard Armitage son of EA e Richard Berney 68 e Richard Brown 60 e Richard Butler 60 e Richard Carter, 38 e Richard Crofts 63 e Richard Dean 56 e Richard Doe 55 e Richard Formby 68 e Richard Fyson Richard Smith 59 Richard Street 64 e Richard Peachey 59 e Richard (Tony) Sharp 55 e Richard Stonebridge 69 e Richard Tassell 50 Richard Turnill 59 e Richard Vince 64 Richard Walker 64 e Richard Waller 67 e Richard (Jim) Wheeler, 57 e Richard Windibank 55 (now Harvey) e Robert Bass 59 e Robert Hinze 52 e Robert Norman 42 Robert Powell 56 e Robert Sculthorpe 63 e Robert Webb 70 e Robert White 64 Robert Wiseman 70 e Robin Armitage '57' e Robin Baumber 48 e Robin Constable 60 Robin Dabrowa 59 e Robin Parr 52 e Roderick Armitage 55 e Rodney Brown 48 e Rodney Butcher 57 Rod Else 56 e Rod Mayes 53 Rod Rocky Ward 59 e Roger Clements e Roger Human 46 e Roger Johnson 59 e +Roger Lane 49 (Ann) Roger Logan 57 e Roger Palmer 48 Roger Peters 61 e Roger Smith 56 e Roger Sykes 42 e Roger Wright 49 e Roland Fletcher '64' e Ron Meadows 53 e Roy King 59 e Roy Daisley 44 e Roy Lee 44 Roy Palmer 37 e Russell Cross '57' Russell Drake 52 e |
Sam Clift 50 e Shaun Bokor 65 e Sid Cullum 59 e Simon Curtis 67 e Simon Taylor 70 e Simon Thornhill 65 e Stan Harley 53 e Stephen Bishop 51 e Steve Bolton late 66 now Williamson e Steve Coxhead 66 e Stephen Gilbert 61 e Stephen Halls 68 e Steve Glover 67 e Steve Herod 57 e Stephen Martin 62 e Stephen Melton 62 e Stephen Murfitt 65 e Steve Reader 64 e Steve Salmon 57 Steve Salmons 65 e Stephen Seymour 68 e Stephen Williams 66 e Stephen Yeomans, 65 e Stirling Pugh 66 e Stuart Cox 64 Stuart Eden 71 e Stuart Porter, 59 e Stuart Nunn 62 Sue Riley fTLR SP Watson 68 |
(Taras) Paul Lomatschinsky '64'
e Terry Lupson 55 e Terry Mackender 59 e Terry McHugh 65 e Terry Murfitt '59' e Terry Newman 59 e Terry Parker 59 e Terence Rule 55 e Terence Stevens 48 e Terence Titmarsh 41 Tim Aves 68 e Tim Boyden 58 e Tim Ewer 61 e Tim Griffiths 57 e Tim Jordan 59 e Timothy Leonard 61 e Tim Sullivan (69) e Tom Crawford 59 e Tom Sandham '59' e Tony Appleyard 41 e Tony Burton 60 e Tony Firby 60 Tony Leonard 67 Tony Noble 68 e Tony (Richard) Sharp 55 e Tony Willenbruch 62 e Trevor Brooks 54 e Trevor Lee 54 e Trevor Meacham 50 Trevor Parfitt 55 e Tony Payton 53 Trevor Salmon 60 e Trevor J Smith 62 e |
Vaughan Moll 59 e Vernon Fretwell 50 e Vernon Peacock 60 Vic Moseley 61 e Vince Gudgeon 66 e |
Warwick Ellis 63-66 e Wheeler, William 60 e |
last updated 18/2/25, more to