S C H O O L SR U L E S .


1. ABSENCE: No boy may be absent, except in case of illness, without the consent of the Head Master.
In cases of illness, a boy must bring a note from his parents on his return. If the illness is likely to be longer than THREE days, the parents should inform, the Head Master by letter.
2. HOMEWORK: If for any reason a boy is prevented from doing his homework, a note of explanation must be brought the next day from his parents.
3. All boys must wear the school cap and tie.
4. The garden, greenhouse, orchard, and workshop are out of bounds.
5. No boy may go into the town at break or lunch without the permission of a master.
6. No boy may cycle in any part of the school premises.
7. The orders of prefects are to be obeyed. Every boy has the right to appeal to the Head Master against the orders of a prefect and against the punishment awarded by a prefect for disobedience.
8. Care is to be taken of the school furniture and buildings, classrooms, walls, pathways, staircases, floors.
9. A boy passing through a swing door must not push the door away from him or serious accidents may result. Swing doors must always be pulled towards one.
10. Boys must not run up and down stairs or along corridors or down the drive.


11. All articles of clothing and games wear to be marked with owner's name or initials.
12. Cloakrooms are locked at 5 p.m. each evening. All caps, coats, etc. not then in the owner's calico bag will be impounded as lost property. Marked articles can be retrieved by the owner on payment of a small fine. Unmarked articles may not be retrieved.
13. The cloakrooms are to be kept in decent order. Clothes must be hung on the proper pegs. Towels and soap are not to be thrown about.


14. Boys come under school discipline while travelling to or from school.
15. Behaviour in 'buses and trains must be as scrupulously correct and gentlemanly as at school. Seats must always be given up to ladies and old gentlemen. Seats are to be reserved for masters and prefects. There must be no rowdiness of any kind.
16. No boy must aboard or alight from a moving bus or train.
17. No cyclist may carry a second person on his bicycle or hold on to any moving vehicle.

source: Derek Murton 53