Soham Grammarian - School Secretaries

Soham Grammarian Summer 1945

We also bid goodbye to Miss D. M. Godfrey, who so very kindly came to teach French until Mr. Riley's release from the Forces, to Miss M. E. Lawson, to Mr. C. C. Copland, who has done such admirable work as Woodwork Master during the past few years, to Miss M. Gimbert, the Head's Secretary, and to Mrs. Crick, the School Caretaker, who has been with us for the past 19 years.

Soham Grammarian Autumn 1945


We also welcome the return of Mr. Riley and the new members of the staff - Mrs. Kennett, Miss McKenzie and Mr. Twiselton, as well as our new Secretary, Miss Jones, and Mr. Seymour, the new Caretaker.

Soham Grammarian Autumn 1946

We cordially welcome Miss Blake, the new School Secretary, and to Miss Jones, whom Miss Blake succeeds, we offer our best wishes.

[It is believed that Miss Jones was a graduate of Birmingham University]

Miss Jones, 1946 photo

Miss Blake, 1949 photo

These faces may be of other School Secretaries:

unknown on 1952 school photo

unknown on 1954 school photo

Mrs Jill Jarrett (now Petrulewicz) writing of the 1960 School photo: Mary Ball is sitting next to me.

She was School Secretary, followed by Mrs Ada Smith (previously Law).

Mary Ball's elder son Graham was at SGS [also on 1960 photo]. He was in his time Senior Army Cadet (with Red Sash) and went to Canada to train in medicine as he could not get a place at a UK medical school in those days.

Mary left to live in the South of France with her husband Robin but I lost contact with them about 1970.

from the 1956 School photo

from the 1960 School photo

Mrs Ada Smith (previously Law) Edward Armitage's secretary 1960-75

from the 1965 School photo

from the 1970 School photo

from the 1972 School photo

On his retirement in 1975 Mr Armitage also paid tribute to the efforts of Mrs Smith, who is also retiring after 25[?, 15] years as his secretary. She was presented with a salver to mark the occasion.

source: Ely Standard, 1975

Mrs MJ Fordham was Assistant Secretary 1967-72
from the 1970 School Photo

from the 1972 School Photo

Wilkes Walton 36: Miss M Gimbert was the HM's secretary in 1942. I believe like Mr Crouch she went to The Perse when Stanley Stubbs was appointed Headmaster there in 1945

If you can add recollections or photos please contact the editor
page last updated 22 Dec 10