This website is searchable. Please wait for the search to be done and the results to come up.
- Please bear in mind there might be variations in the spelling of names so the bit least likely to vary might be safer eg Geoff rather than Geoffrey or Geoffery.
- Surname rather than full name searches might be safer.
- Look at Search tips on the results page. Sometimes you get unwanted results - for example searching on Peters will also show all mentions of Peter. To prevent that, on the results page click on Advanced Search, turn off the Stemming facility ('none') and try again.
Just browsing the pages of the website can still be an entertaining way to come across the unexpected - and long forgotten!
Some pages are long: find something more quickly within a long page by clicking CTRL and F keys together.
A box should pop up. In that enter the word you are looking for eg Armitage
- the pop-up box may have next/previous buttons or up/down arrows to follow mentions up/down the page
- it may also say how many mentions there are on the page