Regulations regarding school uniform

From the beginning of next term, the following regulations regarding the wearing of the school uniform will come into operation:

1. Boys must wear the school cap and tie on all school occasions, including Saturday games and school outings. The only exceptions to this rule are fifth and sixth formers who fulfil both of the following conditions

(a) that they are wearing a school tie, school blazer and grey trousers
(b) that their hair is well cut and seemly.

This privilege, which is restricted to fifth and sixth formers who fulfil the above conditions, will be withdrawn from any boy in these forms who is reported to me for failing to observe the conditions. Boys in these forms are consequently required not to part with or otherwise 'lose' their cap lest they be required to wear a cap again.

2. Any third or fourth former who has to be censured by a master or prefect for not wearing a cap in a becoming manner or for not having a seemly haircut will forfeit the privilege of not wearing a cap in the fifth form. The forfeit will be one term for each offence.

3. The senior cap may in future be worn by boys in the fourth form and is intended to be worn with the black senior blazer which boys in this form become entitled to wear.

4. Parents of boys in the fourth form are reminded that though boys in the fourth form become entitled to wear a black blazer and a senior cap in these forms, the wearing up of a junior (red and black) blazer and a junior cap is of course allowed and even encouraged.

5. Parents of boys in the third forms are reminded that boys will not be given permission to wear a senior (black) blazer at any time during their third year, with the single exception of Speech Day on which day permission will be granted.

source: Gwyn Murfet, likely date July 1958
page created 2 Dec 10