Soham Grammarians - What was new on our website in 2002?
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This page was updated on 24 Oct 19
December 2002
Via Scrapbook, Day Trips page started with London Airport 1961 or 1962 courtesy of Philip Oakes: see also Messages on Mr Hart.
More photos added for the name spotters in: The Winter's Tale, Amahl, School & Crossbones, Boarding House history.
School uniform items and several aerial views (1953?), plus views of the Conservatory during demolition work added to Scrapbook.
May 1965 school photo has been moved to Form/Staff lists and is now searchable, as is the 1965/66 School list.
Cast list added to Importance and an Arms and the Man March 1971 page started with a cast list, both courtesy of Mrs May Armitage.
The Importance of being Earnest, March 1970 and Maenad to Martyr (at Ely High School, December 1969) added to Productions (via History)
Photo and review added for A Winter's Tale Review added for 1965 version of Pirates of Penzance.
See The Winter's Tale for a unique and fascinating insight into the evolution of this production, an unpublished article by the producer, Gordon Hemmings, 'The Play Produced'.
See Scrapbook for:
- July 16 1969, arrival of the Fourteenth Legion at Soham!
- analysis of the geographical distribution of SGS pupils in school year 1964-651964-65 U14 Football XI photo added to Archive in History
October/November 2002
See Scrapbook for:
- May 1965 School Photo, courtesy of Martin Duffield - this large page in 11 sections will take time to load - if you can add to or correct the identifications, please contact the editor
- some of Geoff Gammon's memories of 1950-58Dudley Walton, entry year 63, has provided corrections to the identification of the football photos 1967-70 - the missing 1969-70 one was, he believes, taken in the gym - anyone got one? - see Archive in History
Professor Geoff Fernie's (1959-66) page added to Pages by/on SGs
In History see Productions for photos from Memory Be Green (1964) by courtesy of the Producer, Gordon Hemmings - please fill in the identifications - he has also provided Peter Askem's set design for Amahl (1961).
For Publications Gordon has provided Horizons 1, the June 1965 Literary Magazine replacement for the Spring 1965 Soham Grammarian.
Thanks to Richard Street for correcting the Pirates date from 1963 to 1965. What did we do in 1963 then?
RAT's Form 1 photo, entry year 1959, courtesy of Gordon Hemmings - please fill in the blanks (see Lists, 1959)
2nd Year 6th photo 1969-70, courtesy of Peter Easy, see entry year 1963 in Lists
Roger Sykes adds to the LG Johnson page - In Memoriam and to Scrapbook
Courtesy of David Sale, partial year lists added for 1945, 46 and improved for 1947-51.
Via History pages Boarding House History (would like to have images of The Moat, of personalities, even EA playing table tennis, cricket ..?)
Recollections in Tranquillity (or, Surviving Horse Drove Fen) - John Humphreys, see Scrapbook, also for 50 years of SGS in one family and A day in the life of an SGS boy of 1890
Taming of the Shrew added to the Production pages (via History) - was it 1971 or 1972?
In Memoriam page started. 1957, 1958 entry lists improved; 1955 and 1956 partial lists added, courtesy of Philip Oakes
Apologies about the email connections on the Contact Us page not working briefly - now fixed - do try again if you had a problem before
Midsummer Night's Dream, Antigone and A Man For All Seasons pages added to Productions (via History)
Pages on school Productions (via History), added or updated - Amahl, Shoemakers' Holiday, Memory be Green, Merchant of Venice; 2H 1961 School & Crossbones and on the 'nul points' versions of the School Song
Pages on EA, TLR, CJF, SRS, LGJ, Miss AE Lowe added or updated - see Form/Staff Lists page for links
Year entry lists added for 1947-52, thanks to Piet Walton-Knight (1952) - but who were the form masters in each case?
Additional Edward Armitage obituary
Dramatic & Musical Productions pages started - see History
Bertram Covill BEM d 27 Jun 2001, obituary from The Times - now see In Memoriam (moved from Scrapbook 10.11.02)
Splendid aerial views of SGS/SVC 1959 and SVC 2001 added, thanks to Chris Scurrah, SVC's webmaster - see History 1939-72
Appreciations of Mr TL Riley, Mr CJ Ford and Mr RL Thomas on their retirement: Mr G Parrott's obituary, from the school magazine - see Form/Staff Lists page for links
The site began after the 2002 Reunion
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