Soham Grammarians - what's new on our website?

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updating of this page is in progress

March 2025

It is proposed that our Annual Reunion Luncheon will be on Saturday 11 October 2025, in the Beechurst (Assembly) Hall.
Grammarians have been emailed about this.

February 2025

Ian Hobbs SG 48 reports the death of Brian Leonard SG49 at the age of 86 in Addenbrookes Hospital on Tuesday 28th January 2025 aged 86 years. Service to take place at Fenland Crematorium on Friday 28th February 2025 at 2.30pm. Family flowers only, but donations to Addenbrookes Charitable Trust if desired. Ian writes "Brian was in the First Team both at cricket and football. He was a lifelong player at cricket for Ely and did much work for the club. A great friend, much missed": see also In Memoriam

October 2024

Our reunion this year took place in Beechurst Hall on Saturday 12 August. Numbers were down with about as many apologies as bookings. We intend to continue providing that we get satisfactory attendance in 2025. A report of this year's reunion is in preparation and will bring together much new material about Edward Armitage, Headmaster 1945-72.

May 2024

Chris Bent SG53 reports the death of his old school friend Neil P Clarke SG53 in a Florida hospital on Monday 13th May - for more see In Memoriam.

April 2024

Janette Scanlan has identified her late father Harold Frank Goodwin on the 1937 School Photo (section 1/10). She says he passed away in 2020 at the ripe old age of 96 and that he had lived a full life.

Ivan Whymer SG56 reports the death of Mrs Brenda Bott (nee Hobbs), formerly cook at SGS (1945-52). She sadly passed away on Sunday 3rd March 2024 aged 98. My wife and I knew her and her daughter, and I attended her funeral  on 4th April - also see In Memoriam

March 2024

William Wheeler SG60 updates contact from Devon and adds Richard (Jim) Wheeler SG57 from Cambridge.

February 2024

Stan Harley SG53 reports the death of Roger Dewsbury SG53 on 9th January 2024. For more please see In Memoriam.

January 2024

Andy Murkin SG65 writes: The Guardian has published an obituary of Peter Leonard SG65. Peter was a close friend of mine at school. For more see In Memoriam.

Mr Leon Kitchen's daughter Rachel came to SGS on 16 January to scatter her father's ashes, having made arrangements with Dr Carin Taylor - for more please click here.

Andrew Smith SG60 writes that he is writing his family history. He notes that Dick Housden SG42 and Physics 55-60 was a resident of Burwell and probably worked for Andrew's father Percy Smith at weekends and on vacations from Cambridge. For more please click Dick Housden  

December 2023

Obituaries for David Leland SG52, a BAFTA winner - see via In Memoriam

November 2023

Ed Reed SG67 reports the death of Michael G Barnett SG62 on Monday 27 November 2023 - for more see In Memoriam

October 2023

We held our 2023 Annual Reunion Luncheon at school on Saturday 7th October - a report is being prepared.

September 2023

Philip Oakes SG61 makes contact from Cornwall.

August 2023

We have had sufficient expressions of interest to proceed with plans for our Reunion Luncheon, back in Beechurst Hall as in pre-pandemic times. The date is Saturday 7th October and we sit down for lunch at 1330. Please now book for this event using the link above, completing the form and returning it with your payment to John Dimmock as soon as possible.

July 2023

Assessment of interest in a SG Reunion Luncheon, Saturday 7 October  2023

We now hope to be back in Beechurst Hall as in pre-pandemic times. Yes, back to having a live do!

But before we can definitely go ahead we need to have sufficient expressions of firm interest to make the event viable - so if you think you are very likely to come please, please contact John Dimmock as soon as possible  - no later than 22 July if possible.

We will let you know as quickly as we can  if there has been sufficient interest for you to then make a definite booking. Do not for the present make any payment.

Dr Carin Taylor will as usual bring us up to date on the past year at the Village College and how they have continued to cope with tricky times for staff and students ..

There will be a short illustrated talk, yet to be arranged.

The Luncheon will be of 3 courses. Including tea/coffee and wine - this would cost £35 per person (you will of course have saved much more than that over the three years we have had reunions via Zoom!).  We are all painfully aware of how much prices in the shops have increased since we last met together.

The date is Saturday 7th October in Beechurst Hall (for many of us our old Assembly Hall).  Doors open at 12.30 and we sit down for lunch at 13.30.

If a partner, relative or supporting friend enables you to come, they may enjoy the company and are welcome to attend (and will increase our numbers!).

So if you are very likely to come, as soon as possible please email

David Canham SG66 makes contact - he is now living in France.

April 2023

Clare Mitchell writes: My mother died recently and going through her paperwork we found things relating to my dad and his time at Soham Grammar School. He was Ronald Mitchell and he is shown in the 1937 School Photo (the year he started at the school) in the front row of 9/10, no3.
My daughter and I visit the now Soham VC for Parkrun sometimes and it's nice to think that we tread the same paths and fields as my dad did all those years ago. We have enjoyed reading the history on the website.

March 2023

Liz Stokes writes: My husband Reginald James Stokes was a pupil at Soham Grammar school in the 1950s. He sadly passed away on the 22nd Aug 2021 aged 79. [Editor: RJ Stokes was in the 1953 entry]. See also In Memoriam.

My name is Janet Clark I am David Clark SG69's wife.  Very sadly I must inform you David died on 12 March this year, after being diagnosed with cancer in November 2022.  He died at home after a short stay in hospital with infections/sepsis - for more please see In Memoriam.

My name is Erica Kohler, I am the daughter of Richard Ralph Petersen (known as Dick) born 24th May 1919, died 17th January 1960. I do believe that my father is in the front row 3rd from the left [in the middle of part 1 of the 1929 School Photo].

I was sorting out some papers of my late mother and came across a little silver badge that says : Soham Gr Sch, Cricket Ball u14 1st 1928. I was wondering if you could give me any information of how long my father was at Soham, any school records class or sport available, and if there is by any chance information of where he went after leaving here.  I think he might have gone to a public Roman Catholic School in London.
I was 8 years old when my father died from contracting polio.  He was an Observer in the RAF during WWII. He married Pearl Margaret Gibson in 1947 and they emigrated to South Africa where I was born and he died.

The Editor writes: in the SGS records to hand no Petersen has been found. The badge referred to by Erica is very similar to those donated by Jack Lockwood's daughter - please click here

February 2023

Apologies to all visitors this website. As can be seen below there is lot of updating to be done. Lengthy flu and post flu lassitude coupled with updating of computers and operating systems is my excuse.

Kevin Brown SG63 writes: I have to regretfully inform you that Peter J Smith SG59, passed away peacefully at home with his wife and daughter by his side on 2nd February 2023, just two weeks before his 75th birthday, after a brave battle with Prostate Cancer.

After SGS Peter worked in the laboratories at Spillers Milling where 3 or 4 other SGS have worked including me. From there he went to Reading University to study Food Technology before a career with Cadburys.

Around 10 years ago we met up again for an Ely Old Boys Reunion, five of whom were SGS. We then met up once or twice a year.

Apart from his family his other loves were music and running (he was a member of his local club in Hereford). Peter was a true gentleman and will be sadly missed by all that knew him.

Malcolm Partridge SG61 (joined Jan 62) makes contact: I'm now living in France. In the Champion School Fenland Schools Cross Country 1963 photo I believe that JR Harding was actually Paul W Harding.

January 2023

His grandaughter Gemma reports the death of Wilkes Walton SG36 on 30th December 2022 at the age of 96. Wilkes' funeral took place on 11 January at Breakspear Crematorium, Ruislip, Middlesex. Until prevented by age Wilkes was a regular attender (wearing a splendid bow tie in SG colours) at our reunions and can be seen in many reunion reports, usually with his great friend the late Roy Palmer SG37. Wilkes co-presented the talk on SGS at War at our 2010 reunion. For more please see In Memoriam.

October-December 2022

September 2022

[A report on the 2022 Reunion will be added in due course].

On 5 September an invitation to participate was issued to Grammarians with whom we are in email contact to participate part in our free 2022 Annual Reunion on Saturday 1st October, which will be online via Zoom from 2.10pm UK time.

We had hoped to be back in Beechurst Hall as in pre-pandemic times, but as a result of staffing issues at the contractors it proved impossible to make the catering arrangements in time.

Rather than do nothing this year, John Dimmock and I agreed we would again run a virtual reunion via Zoom, as enjoyed by many of us in 2020 and 2021. We truly hope that next year, 2023, will see us back to 'normal'.

Dr Carin Taylor will as usual bring us up to date on the past year at the Village College and how they have continued to cope with tricky times for staff and students.

There will be a short illustrated talk by Dr Simon Curtis SG67 on what lies behind the creation of his first novel, SWORDSMITH, published on 31 August 2022. Simon is one of this country's most distinguished and highly qualified farriers. The hero of his novel (set in the darkest of the Dark Ages, during the early settlement of England by the Anglo Saxons) is a farrier who becomes a highly skilled swordsmith. 

We hope you will participate in this year's event, and that those who may be fed up with Zooming will generously make an exception in our case. Please contact the Editor if you have not received our invitation email.

42 have registered as of 1 Oct:

Armitage, Rod SG55
Chilcott, Bill SG50
Clift, Kenneth/Sam SG50
Coe, Malcolm SG57
Crowe, David SG52
Curtis, Simon SG67
Czumaj, Ralph SG54
Dean, Richard SG56
Dench, Alan SG67
Dimmock, John SG59
Dunham, Ralph SG59
Evison, Peter SG'67'
Faircliffe, Patrick SG48
Fernie, Geoff SG59
Fletcher, Malcolm SG49
Frost, Alan SG54
Haslam, Frank SG'59'
Hawes, Michael SG69
Herod, Steve SG57
Hobbs, Ian SG48
Holmes, Paul SG46
Hunter, Kenn SG67
Johnson, Roger SG59
Kelly, William SG55
Monk, Donald SG50
Nix, Anthony SG65
Parr, Alec (Barry) SG62
Porter, Stuart SG59
Scott, Peter SG59
Scott, Peter (Maths)
Sculthorpe, Robert SG63
Smith, Peter SG59
Smith, Roger SG56
Smith, Trevor SG62
Sparrow, Ralph SG45
Thornhill, Simon SG65
Wilkins, Denis SG53
Woodroffe, David SG60
Roger Wright 49

Dimmock, Sue
Taylor, Carin (SVC)
Morton, Carol (widow of Michael SG64)

August 2022

June/July 2022

May 2022

March/April 2022

February 2022

January 2022

December 2021

November 2021

October 2021

September 2021 - OUR 2021 REUNION VIA ZOOM is on Saturday 2nd OCTOBER
Please keep that afternoon free ...

August 2021

July 2021

June 2021

May 2021

April 2021

March 2021

February 2021

January 2021

December 2020

November 2020

October 2020

This year's Reunion - how to join in this invitation only online event

On 1st October all Soham Grammarians in email contact were sent an invitation to this year's Reunion. This is being held via Zoom on Saturday 10th October, 2.15 for 2.30pm London time. If you can't find that invitation email (and have checked that it was not routed to your spam or junk email folders) please let us know by clicking here.

If you wish to join in please carefully follow the guide points in the invitation email and then click the registration link provided to register for our reunion (even if you have already told us you'd like to attend). You will then receive a confirmation email which has the link and passcode you will use to join us on the day.

If you have any queries then as usual please contact John Dimmock at

If you are unable to join us but wish to present your apologies please click here and send us a message.

A letter to those Grammarians not in email contact was posted on 1 October informing them about the Reunion, asking if they are now using email or if someone in their 'bubble' who is on the internet could facilitate their joining in.

We already know a number of Grammarians who for reasons of age or health, or living in foreign parts (i.e. even further away than Cambridgeshire, including beyond these shores) are looking forward, on this occasion, to being able to join us.

We're giving it our best go. Dr Carin Taylor will again be attending to bring us up to date on the past year at Soham Village College and the challenges they are now facing. There will be a short illustrated presentation on Some Funny Goings on at SGS.  We hope you will join us. Bring your own food and drink!

Registrations as of 12:45 on 10th October - name and year of entry.
Plan to attend but not yet listed? Please register NOW

* one of 20 new attenders

  1. David Beale 62*
  2. Richard Berney 68*
  3. Kevin Brown 63* Germany
  4. Martin Brunt 66
  5. Chris Bull 53
  6. Bill Chilcott 50* USA
  7. Michael Clark 55* Australia
  8. Kenneth 'Sam' Clift 50
  9. Malcolm Coe 57
  10. Martyn Davies 66*
  11. Richard Dean 56
  12. Alan Dench 67
  13. John Dimmock 59
  14. Susan Dimmock
  15. Alan Diver 40*
  16. Keith Diver 70
  17. Geoff Double 68
  18. Ralph Dunham 59
  19. Keith Essex 69* Canada
  20. Patrick Faircliffe 48
  21. Geoff Fernie 59 Canada
  22. Richard Formby 68*
  23. Alan Frost 54
  1. James Gilbert 65
  2. Phil Green 68*
  3. Frank Haslam '59'
  4. John Hill 48
  5. Ian Hobbs 48
  6. Roger Human 46
  7. Ken Hunter 67
  8. Peter Jeffrey 49
  9. Douglas Jones 71*
  10. Terry Jordan 48
  11. Bill Kelly 55*
  12. Ranjit Kurrie 61*
  13. Mrs June Lawrance f (AEL)
  14. Brian Lythell 56
  15. Vaughan Moll 59
  16. Donald Monk 50
  17. Mrs Carol Morton (Michael 54)
  18. John O'Toole (English 63-66)*
  19. Barry Parr 62
  20. Christopher Dubas (Pearce) 65*
    Saudi Arabia
  1. Eric Pearson 60* Canada
  2. Stuart Porter 59 USA
  3. Terry (Eric) Scannell 66*
  4. Peter Scott (Maths 60-72)
  5. Brian Smith 63*
  6. Peter Smith 59
  7. Roger Smith 56 South Africa
  8. Trevor Smith 62* Thailand
  9. Carin Taylor SET
  10. Brian Thorby 49
  11. Simon Thornhill 65
  12. Piet Walton-Knight 52
  13. Michael Whymer 52*
  14. Denis Wilkins 53
  15. Tony Willenbruch 62
  16. Michael Yeomans 60 USA
September 2020 - This year's Reunion - see August - keep the afternoon of Saturday 10th October free!

August 2020

This year's Reunion: Following discussions with Dr. Carin Taylor at the Staploe Educational Trust about our Annual Reunion Lunch, scheduled for Saturday 10th October 2020, we have decided that it will have to be cancelled:
However, we are looking into holding an online reunion on Saturday 10th October at 2.15pm via the widely used Zoom service. If you have not already used it yourself you will almost certainly have seen it used by tv News and other programmes such as the BBC One Show:

You won't have to travel and it'll be free (well, not quite - you provide your own food and drink).

We can do quite a lot of the usual things, though perhaps not (as someone once said) necessarily in the same order:-

-  Welcome
-  Toast to the Queen
-  Roll Call
-  Toast to Absent Friends
-  News from the Village College (Dr Carin Taylor)
-  A short illustrated talk
-  Question and Answer time

"But I really like being able to chat even if they were not in my year" One idea is to list those registering to attend here on our website so you can let us know who you might like to talk to.  After the event we can email those who wish to be in touch and are happy to share contact details. We'd leave it up to you whether you phone each other or set up your own Zoom meetings. See Trevor Smith's report below on a Zoom chat with four SGs recently, mainly to celebrate joint 70th birthdays.

How to join the 10th October Reunion will only be provided to those who register for it.

So that's how our thinking goes at the moment. Please let us know if you'd like to give it a go (or not) and if you have any ideas to help make it work.

We will do all we can beforehand to help those who have not yet Zoomed to get up to speed if there are no friends or family able to help.

We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible on our ideas.

If the feedback is broadly positive we'll be in touch with registration information in due course. We will then also contact those who have not provided an email address, to check if they now have one or have someone who can help them join in.

This information was sent on 5 August to all SGs in email contact.

July 2020

June 2020
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020 
February 2020  January 2020 

What was new in ..



















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  • If you know someone who would be interested in our website but they do not have a computer, perhaps let them know they can go on the Internet in many local libraries eg Cambridgeshire - or show them on yours ...

  • Contacts list: Those we are in touch with and those we seek
    NB - names are shown with entry year (late joiners adopt the entry year of their peer group)

  • PHOTOS: Our growing collection of whole school photos is frequently updated, see School Lists & please add names if you can.

    For most of the Football & Cricket 1st XI photos going back to the late 1940s, see Sport.

  • Years shown are year of entry (see School Lists for an explanation).

  • Suggestions for improvements or additions? - Please contact the editor.

  • If you belong to an organisation (club, church, village hall, work etc.) where SGs or their families may see it, please print off and display our poster (two on a sheet).

1965 LVI

.. later
website editor Frank Haslam SG'59'