Soham Grammarians - What was new on our website in 2003?
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This page was updated on 24 Oct 19
December 2003
Trevor Parfitt (55 - founder of Scott Racing Services - see Pages by/on SGs) has added some names to the unofficial 1955 entry list - we really do need the School Lists for 1955, 1956 please - see School Lists > Entry yr index > 1955. Trevor would like to hear from those who like him started at SGS in 1955 as a get-together is being mooted for the New Year - please call him on 01842 860562.
David Plumb (66) adds a Tabby anecdote - see via School Lists
Peter Nicholls (39) has enabled the Wartime News of OBs to be completed - see History and contact with Mr Jack Symmons, who taught History in the 1940s
Geoff Fernie's (59) page updated - see Pages by/on SGs
There are differences between what the School History and the School Lists for the years 1952-54 say on School Captains/Head Boys - see School Lists > Head Boys, please help if you can.
John Firby (49) provides the 1954 School Photo - see School Lists
Peter Roe (46) provides late 1940s Cricket 1st XI photo, with one name missing - see Scrapbook
Page started on Lionel Hart - who is presently in a nursing home in Mildenhall - see School Lists > Staff >Assistant Staff in 1972
Piet Walton-Knight (52) updates the 1954/5 Form 3B photo IDs - see 1952 entry or via Scrapbook
School Photo updaters this month - see School Lists :
1937: Peter Nicholls (39), Roy Palmer (37)
1946: Albert Casbon (48), John Fuller (45), Jim Morley (47), Peter Nicholls (39), Robert Norman (42), Peter Roe (46), Roger Sykes (42), Colin Thornhill (40)
1949: John Fuller (45), Jim Morley (47)
1952: Albert Casbon (48), Jim Morley (47), Jeff Watson (51), Peter Roe (46)
1954: Cliff Cobbin (50), David Cross (54), Len Freeman (53), Stan Harley (53), Neil Holmes (52), Donald Monk (50), Bernie Nicholas (47), Trevor Parfitt (55), David Reader (51), Peter Stonebridge (50), Jeff Watson (51)
1956: David Christie (54), Barry Lowe (55), Trevor Parfitt (55)
1960: David Christie (54), Trevor Parfitt (55)
1970: Peter Evison (67)
1972: Brian Capper (68), Peter Evison (67), Paul Gregson (67), Ed Reed (67)
Mel Cornwell (67) has now provided a better quality cast photo for the XIV Legion 1969 - and clicking on the image will give you a huge version (225k). If you want to print the big one, best save it to your computer (right click and then click 'Save Picture As' ) and do it from there - see Scrapbook
November 2003
Peter Roe (46) provides the 1946 School Photo - see School Lists
Peter has also provided the Order of Service for the Dedication of the War Memorial Gates, on Speech Day 18th July 1952 - see History > 39-45 Roll HonourWilkes Walton (36) has provided:
Two newspaper articles on the murder of Fred Hockley - see links in History > 39-45 Roll Honour
Some prewar athletics photos - see History > Archive >Sports photos.
Added to Mr Riley anecdotes - see via In Memoriam
A couple of items about the re-formation of the OBs in 1948 - see Scrapbook
Information on the 1942 production of The Taming of the Shrew - see History > Productions
ATC E Command Cross Country 18 March 1944 - see Scrapbook
Senior [pre 1931] Old Soham Grammarians Reunion, 30 April 1980 - see ScrapbookBarry Lowe (55) has added some names to the 1955 starters
from Southern California a teacher cousin of RAT's provides some recollections - see RAT In Memoriam
Although Peter Bedford (34) made a sizeable dent in the 1937 School Photo naming job, Wilkes Walton (36) has really clobbered it! Peter may have an even earlier photo. Other School Photos updaters this month: Ian Booth (57), Albert Casbon (48), Martin Duffield (57), Geoff Gammon (50), John Gothard (53), Bernard Nicholas (47), Peter Roe (46), Charles Smith (49), Richard Street (64), AJ 'Bill' Vince (32),
28 July 1972 - the end of the Grammar School - Order of Service for the Commemoration Service at Soham Parish Church - can you name those shown on the recording box - David Scott (66) thinks the front photo, which he's on, was taken earlier? - see Scrapbook > Order of service
Mel Cornwell (67) has provided a cast photo for the XIV Legion 1969 - a better quality version may soon be available - see Scrapbook
new Archive section listing material and donors - if you have given or loaned something it will be listed here ... soon - see History > History2 > Archive
Wartime News - Summer 1943 now added - Sgt Pilot WD Hawkes, Sgt EH Reader reported missing & the death of Sgt Pilot 'Johnny' Norman - see History > Wartime News
29 June 1951 Service of Thanksgiving for the Founding of the School, via David Sale (46) - see Scrapbook
4 Oct 1957 Opening of the New Assembly Hall & Laboratories, via David Cross (54) - see Scrapbook
October 2003
1996 Edward Armitage letter to THE TIMES on shell suits (and she who must be obeyed!) - see History > E Armitage > some letters to The Times
John Kisby (43) throws some light on the badge used on the 28th July 1972 Commemoration Order of Service - see Messages
Herbert 'Wilkes' Walton (36) has made available a considerable number of the School magazines. Extracts from the wartime issues can now be seen - Wartime News via History. He has also provided the 1937 school photo - with a fearsome looking Mr Riley - see if you can add any names of your family or relations who were at SGS then - see via School Lists
ANNUAL DINNER 4th October 2003 - Former members of staff Mrs Armitage, Gordon Hemmings, Gareth Wood and John Abbott were there, as was Mrs June Lawrance. Total bookings reached 114 which was about 66% up on last year. A watch was presented to Roger Lane for his long service and Mike Rouse, Archivist at SVC, was made an Hon SG.
Some 2003 reunion photos - may we show some of yours (please supply names)?: list of those booking. Chris Bent's account is in News
David Reader (51) provides photos of the whole 1955 Fenland Counties team when we won the Middle School Shield - see History > Archive > Sport photos
If you were in the 6th form 1970-72 look up Simon Wynn in Pages by/on SGs.
Also look there for Tony Russ (Staff 72) and Tony Noble (68)
Graham Whiting (70) has provided the 1972 School Photo - naming kicked off by Steve Coxhead (66) - in fact there is much activity on the school photos, with particular thanks to John Firby (49), Alasdair Gunn (70), Gilbert Linton (66), Barry Lowe (55), Duncan Scott (71), Stephen Seymour (68), Roger Smith (56), Steve Stephenson (64), Colin Thornhill (40), Piet Walton-Knight (52) and Graham Whiting (70) - see via School Lists
Colin Thornhill (40) has also enabled more information on Victor Key of Littleport, another WW2 casualty, as with Fred Hockley, courtesy of Mr Rex Strawson whose forthcoming book is The Fallen of Littleport 1939-45 - see links in History > 39-45 Roll Honour
September 2003
Revamp of the pages on Edward Armitage (see History) including new material from Selwyn College and some of his letters to The Times, provided by Mrs May Armitage, who has also provided a classroom photo from the early 1920s - see Scrapbook
Colin Thornhill (40) has enabled Fred Hockley's (left in 1941) entry in the 1939-45 Roll of Honour to be correctly identified - a tragic death - see History > 39-45 Roll Honour
Any more information/photos on the 2nd Forms' trip to Italy Easter 1967? - see Trips in History
Peter Hunt (47) (via David Reader), Sid Bonnett (46 into 3rd form) and Brian Knott (47) have filled some gaps in the 1949 photo: Geoff Gammon (50) has added more names to the 1952 photo. David Cross (54) has added a few to the 1956 and 1960 photos.
John Leaney remembers some names of those who started with him in 1941 - see School Lists > Years Index > 1941
August 2003
1952 photo naming continues apace.
Litter! - see Scrapbook for another Ken Vail (50) cartoon 'Gentle Knight'.
July 2003
A new section on School Trips which it is hoped will be a fruitful source of gossip and photos : David Camps (60) recalls a trip to Coventry Cathedral - see History
John Butcher (47) has added photos for The Ghost Train (1955) and updated information on the Monkey's Paw, the 1954 HMS Pinafore and Ten Little Niggers (1953).
David Cross (54) has provided programmes for The Yeomen of the Guard (1955), Hamlet (1956), The Pirates of Penzance (1957), The Gondoliers (1958) and The Bartered Bride (1959) - see History > Productions.
The 1952 school photo and the 1949 school photo both provided by John Butcher (47) are fully available via School Lists - please show them to those of that era if you have some in your area, as they are less likely to be on-line - Bernie Nicholas (47) has come up with 86 names for 1949!
The 1970 school photo provided by Richard Walker (64) is also now fully available and is rapidly filling with names - among them Brian Capper (68) ... see Pages by/on SGs.
All the whole school photos on this website have now been re-scanned to provide bigger images - which means even more patience whilst they load - unless you have broadband. Tremendous naming activity is taking place, (not least by John Butcher) - keep visiting to see what's new, especially 1949 & 52
We have learned of the deaths of Gren Dodson (50), in March 2003 and John Goad (63), in July 2003 - see In Memoriam.
The second of the 'Cricket Box Burial' photos has been unearthed by Alan Frost and courtesy of a fellow undertaker, John Cornwell, this may now be seen in History > Armitage:1945-72
Tony Noble (68) recalls Slug's fascination with squirrels - see In Memoriam > TL Riley and Graham Whiting (70) recalls RAT In Memoriam > RA Taylor
June 2003
Rev William Case Morris - the 'Dr Barnardo of Argentina' - see Pages by/on SGs
December 1954 Sixth Form parties, including a cartoon! - see Scrapbook
Gondoliers (1958) page started - do you have more photos and a programme? - see History > Productions
Appreciation from the Summer 1953 Soham Grammarian of Mr GL Hunt, Rural Science 1926-52, via School Lists > Staff >Staff who left before 1972, also an appreciation of Desmond Nunn, one of the first boarders, who died in 1951 - see In Memoriam
Richard Walker (1964) has provided on loan the 1970 school photo - they crammed in three extra rows compared to earlier photos! You can look at the central section, some of whom Richard has named, via School Lists which also has full school photos for 1960 and 1965 and for now central sections only for 1949 and 1952. The editor hopes to have full coverage of 1949, 52 and 70 set up by the end of July.
Alan Barber (1959) updates the 1960 school photo, as has Terry Lupson (1955) now in Cyprus, and David Cross (1954).
Page added on Graham Rees, French & German 1967-70 see School Lists > Staff > left before 1972In the summer of 1966 Mr Michael (Mike) Rouse successfully applied for a one term post at ‘The Village College, Soham’ to teach English and Geography. Thirty-seven successful and happy years later, Mike now retires from teaching English at Soham Village College. This website has benefited enormously from the work that Mike did over the years to preserve material relating to Soham Grammar School. His father's family came from Soham and his mother's from Ely. Though not a Soham Grammarian - he was at King's Ely from 1951-1959, one of the County Scholarship pupils - various Rouses have attended Soham Grammar School as well as his mother's brother, the late Doug Unwin. Mike has written numerous books about Ely, Soham and further afield. The latest, published in July 2002, is The Way We Remember It, an account of Ann Powell and his memories of growing up in Ely during the 1940s and early 1950s.
If you would like to make a contribution towards a leaving present cheques should be made payable to ‘Soham Village College’ and addressed to:- 'c/o Mr Rouse Retirement' at the SVC Address. If you have a favourite or amusing Mike Rouse anecdote please get in touch with Mr Derek Marston or Mr David Tickner at the College via 01353 724100 or alternatively email Butcher (1947) has provided on loan the school photos for May 1949 and July 1952.
See Scrapbook for 1953's Prefects courtesy of John Butcher (1947). John has also enabled the start of pages on 1954 productions of HMS Pinafore and Ten Little Niggers, and mentions The Ghost Train (?1953). Brian Knott recalls something called The Monkey's Paw during his time 1947-51 - see History > Productions.
Yeomen of the Guard 1955 page started in History > Productions, thanks to Stan Harley (1953) and John Butcher (1947), with some remembering of productions in 1955 and 1956 - further contributions welcome.
Len Reynolds, via Brian Knott, has provided another 1948 group photo - the first featuring the roller! - see 1948 in Scrapbook
May 2003
Cambridgeshire Genealogy link added, see Communities & other links page
Stan Harley (1953) has found another photo, of Form 2P 1954, which resolves his January query on 1953's Form 1S - see School Lists > Years Index > 1953. Stan has subsequently identified most of those in row 6.
Brian Knott (1947), courtesy of Len Reynolds, adds names to the 1948 photo in Scrapbook, and says GR Piper (1949) has died.
Mike Petty's (1957) web page added to Pages by/on SGs
Punch's page started - obituary for Mr AE Lawrance from the Ely Standard, 5 Oct 1979, courtesy of Brian Lane (1948): has anyone got a more accurate account than that? Anecdotes welcome! See In Memoriam
The June 1956 School Photo - courtesy of Geoff Gammon (1950), now in Ohio - can now be seen via School Lists. Martin Wilkins (1959) is the first off the mark, identifying his brother Denis.
The images for the 1960 School Photo - courtesy David Camps (1960) - have been re-scanned to a better quality.
John Butcher (1947) tentatively recalls school productions in 1954 and 1955 - see History > Productions
Ian (Spud) Tatham (1959) is the latest to add to the names on the whole school photos - see School Lists.
Editor's computer & scanner upgraded and now on broadband - and a steep learning curve!
See Scrapbook to see if you can help Donald Monk (1950) with a 1948 group photo via his late cousin Alban Nash's widow.
April 2003
John Cornwell (1953) has provided one of the two photos of the cricket box incident referred to by Edward Armitage in his recollection of his time as Head, 1945-72 (see History > Armitage:1945-72 ). If anyone has the second photo, please contact the editor.
March 2003
Donated by Cambridge Newspapers, some photos of RAT - see via In Memoriam. Nicholas Peavot (1969) has added a first year recollection of RAT's use of the wpb in history/geography.
LG Johnson 1922-53 page updated with TL Riley's appreciation, LGJ's photo, and the Old Boys Club appreciations of LGJ, from the SG Coronation issue of Summer 1953 - see In Memoriam.
From the same issue, an article by John Browning on the writing of the History of the School, see History > The Early Years
Graham Knott (1946) - page added to Pages by/on SGs.Some new links added relating to Cambridgeshire > Communities & other links.
via Mrs May Armitage, an article on the school from the Jan 1970 issue of Cambridgeshire, Huntingdon & Peterborough Life ... the History links have been changed so that this and the Three Centuries of Fen Scholars article from East Anglia Life are now found via the Articles on SGS link in the History menu.
Tony Pennick has added a photo to the Pirates of Penzance 1965 page (History>Productions).
More First XI photos via Soham Village College - Football 1948-49 and Cricket 1959 - see History > Archive > Sports photos.
More generally, in some of our team photos the names are faint/hard to read - please let the editor if you know what they should be.
Alan Saggers frequently brought Newport teams to Soham and has added to RAT's page - did you know RAT taught at Newport for a term in 1947 and so qualified (and did) turn out to play for the Old Newportonians?
The 1960 School photo is beginning to gather names.
Courtesy of Chris Scurrah at SVC, see Scrapbook for a 1920 SGS 100yds prize to K Willis - it was found on a tip in Ipswich.
Another Downing College update to RAT's pageThe May 1960 School photo is now viewable from the School Lists page - thanks to David Camps. Even if you were not there at the time please see if you can name any of the faces. The page may take a little longer than usual to load. Note that the Form/Staff Lists link has been renamed School Lists.
Downing College Association have provided an obituary for RAT - did you know he was Ronald Arthur? The Secretary of the Old Newportonians, who knew both RAT and his brother Spud, has added his memories of the two - see In Memoriam.
see also Messages and SG NewsReview of Summer 1949 performance of The Dumb Wife of Cheapside - see History > Productions
February 2003
Courtesy of Chris Jakes, who is curator of CCC's Cambridgeshire Collection, we have been able to start a page on Mr RA Taylor - see Memoriam - appreciations and any other obituaries are sought.
We have a programme for a July 195? performance of The Taming of the Shrew but as indicated we are not sure of the year. Ely High School provided some of the cast. Can you help? - see Productions (via History)
Courtesy of Donald Monk (1950) - the source of Form lists added earlier this month for starters in 1953, 1954 and partially for 1944 - the starters lists for 1945-50 have now been considerably updated from the 1950-51 School List.
Malcolm Brooks (1951) has provided his Form IIA 1952-53 photo (Mr Waller): one name is missing - see Form/Staff lists > Years index > 1951 entry
Via History > Archive > Sports photos Brian Symonds (1961) has named the 1964/5 U14 Football team photo and has among others (most recently Peter Devonish 1961) added more names to the 1965 School Photo (see Form/Staff lists), in Brian's case via David Camps (1960).
January 2003
Via Scrapbook, photo and list of Form 1S 1953 (or is it 2P 1954)?, courtesy of Stan Harley. [now resolved and via 1953 entry page in School Lists]
Thank you to all who have helped to put names to faces in the 20 May 1965 School photo - can you fill in any gaps? see Form/Staff lists
In Memoriam - Liz Mackenzie has provided a tribute to her late husband Bill (1969): John Dimmock has provided a tribute to Ken Howard (1942).
Scrapbook - a page has been started on the sculpture of the Three Boys, now in the SVC Resource Centre but which used to be in the garden by Beechurst - if you have more information please contact the editor.
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