Soham Grammarians
Annual Reunions

  We will be back in Beechurst Hall on 7th October 2023.
Please see What's New for the latest information.

If you have not already made yourself known to us
(see the those we are in touch with link via the Contact page),
or not yet advised us of an address or email change,
please contact the editor Frank Haslam

The listing below shows year (linked to the report) & speaker

2002 L: Tim Boyden, Howie Docherty, Geoff Rouse, Brian Leonard
R:?, Derek Notley, Ray Bolton, Malcolm Coe, Gerald Gillett
2022 via Zoom: Simon Curtis SG67
2021 via Zoom: Michael Yeomans SG60
via Zoom: Some Funny Goings On at SGS
Frank Haslam SG'59'
Michael Rouse, Hon SG
2018 Mr Peter Askem (Art 1954-72)
his daughter Tamaris & others
Prof Geoff Fernie SG59
Mike Barningham SG65
Mike Petty MBE SG57
2014 Rev Gwyn Murfet SG56
2013 Simon Curtis SG67
2012 40 years on since the end of SGS by Staff and SGs
2011 Chris Jakes SG65
2010 SGS at War by Wilkes Walton SG36 & Frank Haslam SG'59'
2009 Mrs Ann Jarman, née Ford
2008 Mr John Browning (History 1947-51)
2007 Denis Wilkins SG53
2006 Mr Rex Waller (Latin 1949-60)
2005 Mr Dick Bozeat (W00dwork 1959-72)
2004 Mr Gordon Hemmings (English 1958-66)
2003 Rev Michael Banyard